Fragmented hard drive with 2007.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by liquidcooper, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. liquidcooper

    liquidcooper Guest

    We have been using SW 2007 at my work for a while now and I recently
    received a new Dell computer. The page file was set to my C drive where
    the SolidWorks application is installed. The problem I seem to have is
    after using SolidWorks for an extended period of time, I get a Run Time
    error and my C drive is fragmented to 40%. Has anyone else senn this
    problem and do you have a fix? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    liquidcooper, Oct 4, 2006
  2. liquidcooper

    Mr K Guest

    Reinstall your SW to fix Run Time Error. (If you have a license version -
    call SWHelpGroup) And about the fragmentation: it seems that your Hard needs
    defragmentation procedure. You should do it every month and it doesn't depend
    on SW functioning. Advice: don't use a standart Windows Defragmentation Tool.
    Find a better way: for example - O&O _ Defrag Server
    Mr K, Oct 9, 2006
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