formatting drawing tables

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Craig, Sep 28, 2004.

  1. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Why does SWx feel it cannot let you FULLY control the width of the column in
    a table (revision, etc..). For example I want to change the width of the
    column to 12mm from its default 18.77mm. Reason being is that there is AT
    LEAST 8mm of wasted space on either side of the text. So I go to
    'formatting' and change the number to 12mm...thenSWx comes back and says
    "lease enter a number greater than or equal to 18.7657... and less than or
    equal to 1000000". Steam is coming out of my ears at this point. What in the
    #$%@ are they thinking? If I want to make my column 12mm I should have the
    freedom to do so...

    Are there any work arounds? You think they would have fixed this shortcoming
    in 2005.
    Sorry, Im taking my happy pill now.

    PS to SWx: Why the hell would I want to make my column width 1000000mm? Duh.
    Craig, Sep 28, 2004
  2. Craig

    Seth Renigar Guest

    If the limit was set to 30mm, then someone would just say "If I want to make
    my column 35mm I should have the freedom to do so..." ;~)

    The upper number, as ridiculous as it may sound, needs to stay extremely
    high for that purpose. I do think that the lower number shouldn't be
    limited though (well maybe .0000001mm). I do like Tables, but they take up
    way too much real estate and you are very limited on how you can control the
    sizes. Maybe if we all put in an E.R. instead of venting here, something
    may get done about it in a couple of SPs.
    Seth Renigar, Sep 28, 2004
  3. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Good point.
    More like ridiculously high, or maybe unreasonably dumb...
    BUT its not ridiculous to get rid of wasted space in your columns.

    Craig, Sep 28, 2004
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