Form doesn't hide

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Brent, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. Brent

    Brent Guest

    I searched through the group for an answer to this problem and tried what
    one person had said re: dragmode. I changed my dragmode setting to all 3
    different ones on - off - auto and it didn't have any effect at all. I have
    a simple form that I load and have pop up in a module. In the form code for
    the OK button, I have "me.hide" but it doesn't work properly. If I step
    through the code then it executes just how it should the form hides. If I'm
    not stepping through the code and execute it from the command line, then the
    form stays up with the OK button shown as depressed and won't hide until
    execution is totally complete. I even execute unload form just shortly after
    program execution returns back from where the form was started. Very odd.

    Any response would be helpful.

    Brent, Jul 18, 2003
  2. Brent

    Kevin Terry Guest

    There must be some call to the form after the hide event that is re-showing
    it. When you step through the code, do you continue through until the end?
    Can you post your code here?
    Kevin Terry, Jul 18, 2003
  3. Brent

    Tom Craft Guest

    When this happens to me I change the line to read instead of Sometimes me don't know who me is!

    Tom Craft
    Tom Craft, Jul 20, 2003
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