
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by I did it, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. I did it

    I did it Guest

    Hello all:

    I need to create the model of a forging and then take that forging and do
    all the machining. Both have separate part numbers and I need to keep it
    that way.

    How do I start the machining drawing? I want this model to be updated when
    the forging is revised.

    Thank you for all your help.
    I did it, Feb 27, 2004
  2. I did it

    Merry Owen Guest

    Create a couple of configurations of your part :-
    Config one - part as forged
    config two - part as machined. This config unsupresses the additional
    machining cuts/holes'etc. required.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Feb 27, 2004
  3. I did it

    kellnerp Guest

    Create a model of the forging.
    Create a new part and insert the forging part in the new part.
    Then you will have separate but linked parts which will help if you are
    using PDMWorks.

    Otherwise, create a configuration in a single part for the forging, machined
    part, etc. Then there will be a single part and the part number will have
    to be carried in the configuration name.

    Which way you go depends largely on how you manage your documentation. It
    sounds like the first method is for you.
    kellnerp, Feb 27, 2004
  4. I would use this method. We save all our parts as their individual part
    numbers. This way you can know exactly where each part can be found if
    changes need to be made.

    My 2¢
    Corey Scheich, Feb 27, 2004
  5. I did it

    SWorks user Guest

    Insert the forging as a base part using insert part from the insert
    drop down menu. You can then do your machining ops and any updates
    you perform on the base forging will also update any that uses that
    part as an inserted feature.
    SWorks user, Feb 27, 2004
  6. I did it

    CSWP Guest

    If they are separate part numbers this makes it even easier in my

    First model the casting. save it with it's part number.

    Second start a new part and insert the casting as a derived part.
    <Insert, Part>

    Thirdly model all your machining processes to the derived part and
    save as the machined part number.

    CSWP, Feb 27, 2004
  7. Sounds like what you want to do is create your part for the forged
    part and then create a derived configuration for the machined part.
    That way any changes to the forged part will migrate to the machined
    Richard Charney, Feb 27, 2004
  8. I did it

    Brian Bahr Guest

    Crate a new part,then menu: insert -> part

    A tip I might add is to also have an assembly with these two parts in
    it so when you update the forging open the assem before you edit the
    machined part. I find that inserted parts dont allways update proerly
    otherwise, but this may just be an error on my part and I only have a
    few months under my belt as well.

    Just "forge" ahead till you find a solution :) HAHAHAHAHA

    Brian Bahr, Feb 27, 2004
  9. I did it

    kellnerp Guest

    And it work better with PDMWorks.

    kellnerp, Feb 28, 2004
  10. Just a suggestion re workflow: You might be better to create
    the machined part FIRST, then use the Insert technique to add
    the necessary material to represent the forged blank. This way
    the FINISHED part 'drives' the shape of the forging - a more
    logical workflow from a design perspective, and you can be
    certain that the finished part is 'achievable' (ie that the correct
    machining and trimming allowances have been added etc.)

    R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, Feb 29, 2004
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