Forcing saving of drawing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steve Jones, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Steve Jones

    Steve Jones Guest

    Hello all,

    We have problems with users not saving drawing frequently, and as AutoCAD's
    Autosave function appears to be fond of deleting the Autosave file in the
    event of a crash (when it's most needed), I'd like to implement a system
    where users are prompted to save a drawing after a specified time.

    First thoughts are of a dictionary record of the time that is referenced
    periodically via a reactor.
    A quick calc and the elapsed time can be determined. If this exceeds the
    specified time the option to save is offered.

    Has anyone done anything like this, and is checking the time after each
    command via a commandended reactor (which seems like overkill) the way to?


    Steve Jones, Feb 12, 2004
  2. Steve Jones

    Paul Turvill Guest

    It only deletes the .sv$ file during a *normal* exit. We've never had it
    disappear during a crash.

    The simplest solution to your problem is proper employee training. Absent
    that, add a QSAVE to some of your most-often used macros.
    Paul Turvill, Feb 12, 2004
  3. Steve Jones

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Couldn't agree more... I mean at what point do you still need the human at all?
    R.K. McSwain, Feb 12, 2004
  4. Steve Jones

    Walt Engle Guest

    If you have automatic save feature, say every 10 minutes you shouldn't have any
    problems. The only problem I see here is educating your employees to save
    correctly and OFTEN, OFTEN, OFTEN. Virtually no time is lost if, as I tell my
    student "every time you do something that you KNOW is right, QUICK SAVE". And,
    yes, sometimes I feel like using a 2x4 to get my point across.
    Walt Engle, Feb 12, 2004
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