For Archiving: Bind Xrefs or Repath?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pkirill, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    We've got this batch processing program (VB6) that is primarily used for plotting, and I'm adding "drawing update" functionality to it. One of the things I want to do is add an archvie feature that will rename files to match sheet numbers and collect all the xrefs and relocate the whole lot to an "archive folder". I'm debating whether to bind the drawings or copy and repath (relative) the xrefs.

    Ignoring the exponential file size increases, for now - From a code standpoint, binding seems to be the easiest/quickest solution code-wise. But I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if "unloaded" xrefs pose the same problem when binding via code as they do when you try to bind manually - ie, the binding craps out. And if so, is there a way to overcome it?

    I'm also wondering if anyone can tell me if I'm off base thinking that binding is easier than repathing.

    Any help is always appreciated!

    pkirill, Nov 19, 2004
  2. pkirill

    Matt W Guest

    no need to bind or repath the xrefs: as long as they reside in the same
    location as the host drawing, they will be found.

    I support two teams: The Red Sox and whoever beats the Yankees.

    We've got this batch processing program (VB6) that is primarily used for
    plotting, and I'm adding "drawing update" functionality to it. One of the
    things I want to do is add an archvie feature that will rename files to
    match sheet numbers and collect all the xrefs and relocate the whole lot to
    an "archive folder". I'm debating whether to bind the drawings or copy and
    repath (relative) the xrefs.

    Ignoring the exponential file size increases, for now - From a code
    standpoint, binding seems to be the easiest/quickest solution code-wise.
    But I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if "unloaded" xrefs pose the same
    problem when binding via code as they do when you try to bind manually - ie,
    the binding craps out. And if so, is there a way to overcome it?

    I'm also wondering if anyone can tell me if I'm off base thinking that
    binding is easier than repathing.

    Any help is always appreciated!

    Matt W, Nov 19, 2004
  3. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    But if the archived files are on the same server as the original files, they
    will always resolve to the specified path. In the case of a "final"
    archive, this isn't a problem, I guess. But the intent (admittedly, not
    well explained in the original post) of the batch processor is allow users
    to archive at milestone intervals (30%, 60%, etc). In this situation, the
    archived drawings must either be bound or have the xrefs copied and
    pkirill, Nov 19, 2004
  4. pkirill

    Matt W Guest

    If you're using 2005, you can use the Archive option from the Sheet Set
    It's kind of like eTransmit on steroids.
    Matt W, Nov 19, 2004
  5. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    It's a nice tool if you're using sheet sets (which we are looking into)...
    pkirill, Nov 19, 2004
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