
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ken, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. ken

    ken Guest

    hi all,

    I am having a problem about getting the font right. I have a block
    reference and I want all the letter inside the block reference in
    Copperplate Gothic Bold. When I edit the text using mtext, it says
    Copperlate Gothic Bold. But in the drawing, it doesn't show the right font
    or even when I plot. Is anyone knows what is the problem?

    ken, Jun 24, 2004
  2. The font is likely being substituted by acad. Generally this means the font
    file is not with in your path,
    though sometimes I've seen this happen when you know that it *is*. Closing
    the drawing, and reopening
    has done it for me. There may be other reasons too....
    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 24, 2004
  3. ken

    David Harper Guest

    Another reason that the font style may be showing another font is that the
    Text stile name in the reference might be the same name as a test stile in
    the current drawing but the two stiles are set to different fonts.
    David Harper, Jun 26, 2004
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