
Discussion in 'Microstation' started by J-Worker, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. J-Worker

    J-Worker Guest

    Hi, I use a certain font (172) for my drawings. Often these dgns are not on
    someone else's machine when I send my dgns around. Is there a way to specify
    that, should my font not be on the other machine when my dgn is opened, that
    he take the font number 40?
    J-Worker, Jul 18, 2003
  2. Hi J-Worker,
    Maybe using a Package Wizard (Utilities > Packager) before sending DGN file is better solution.
    You can send your file with all resource, fonts too.
    Krzysztof Trzaskulski, Jul 18, 2003
  3. J-Worker

    Dave Preston Guest

    As far as I know you cannot use an alternative font like AutoCad.
    Or just send font.rsc. They can either out it in a different directory and
    configure MicroStation to look there as well as the default location, or
    rename it and put it in the default location and they will be able to use
    your font


    Dave Preston
    Dave Preston, Jul 18, 2003
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