Font Defining, need help..

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kusa24, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. kusa24

    kusa24 Guest

    I am trying to define a font, or something similar.
    Basically all I would like to do is create a font that when I type the right & left carrat keys, the carrats come out filled in to look like an awworhead.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    kusa24, Jun 17, 2004
  2. kusa24

    TCEBob Guest

    I hate to say this because I've been stressing answering queries, rather than
    diverting them, but . . .

    You really need to study the help info on creating shapes and text files. What
    you suggest is possible to do, but I believe from your question that you
    probably don't have the experience to do it alone.

    A BIG help is the express tools MKSHAPE. Another one is Shx Viewer which does
    what it says. You'll have to Google; I don't have the web addy handy.

    You best bet is to copy a shx file to a different name, decompile it with
    Shx2Shp.exe, which is an oldie and a goodie. It is freeware and I will post it
    in Customer Files if you want it. Then study how it is put together with Help up
    and running. There are lots of characters and you may decide that not fooling
    with the common keyboard characters is better.

    This is only a good idea if the DWG file is going to stay on your computer. If
    anyone else gets it they will not have the revised file and will either see ?
    for the character or < if you used that key.

    TCEBob, Jun 17, 2004
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