Font Creation Help Needed

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jeff Clark, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Jeff Clark

    Jeff Clark Guest

    I was able to uncompile the shx font file,
    find the character I want to duplicate and modify and do the modification,
    all no problem.

    I'm trying to make a BL symbol, so I copied the CL symbol I already have
    and told it to use B & L instead of C & L. No sweat.

    Now I've compiled it back to SHX, but I can't find the silly symbol! do the %%numbers get assigned?
    how does this come out as %%150:

    how can I use the one I created:

    Jeff Clark, Aug 16, 2004
  2. The "*000hh" values are the characters codes. If they start with
    a "*" they're in hex. You can use Windows Calc to convert hex to
    dec. 99 in hex is 153 which would be the %% keyin.

    A word of caution: using values between 129 and 159 is not recommmended.
    The BL character has been defined in the new AutoCAD fonts as
    hE100 (as part of the Private Use Area).

    David William Edwards

    SHXConvert - Replace SHX fonts in a DWG with component objects/Blocks
    Compile/Decompile SHX fonts without AutoCAD
    FONTasm! - Truetype to Filled SHX Font/DXF File Converter
    CAD Font Services - Creation, Conversion, Customization
    Dave (TC Fonts), Aug 16, 2004
  3. Jeff Clark

    GaryDF Guest

    This will help you find the character

    ;;;CHARACTR.lsp by Jeff Foster 01/17/96
    ;;;Recommended that this routine be run in a blank drawing
    ;;;This routine generates 16 columns and 16 rows of text
    ;;;consisting of each of the 256 %% characters available
    ;;;in a particular font and numbers each character.
    (Defun c:CHARACTR ()
    (setq cnt 1.0)
    (setq r_cnt 0.0)
    (setq x 0.0)
    (setq y 0.0)
    (setq sub_y (- y 0.1))
    (command "layer" "m" "textfont" "c" "4" "" "")
    (repeat 16
    (while (<= (fix cnt) (+ r_cnt 16))
    (setq pt (list x y))
    (setq sub_pt (list x sub_y))
    (strcat "%%" (rtos cnt 2 0))
    (command "text" "m" sub_pt "0.05" "0" (rtos cnt 2 0))
    (setq x (+ x 0.2))
    (setq cnt (+ cnt 1.0))
    (setq r_cnt (+ r_cnt 16))
    (setq x 0)
    (setq y (- y 0.2))
    (setq sub_y (- y 0.1))
    ;;;(cdr (assoc 3 (tblsearch "STYLE" (cdr (assoc 7 (entget (car (entsel))))))))
    fontnam (cdr
    (tblsearch "STYLE" (cdr (assoc 7 (entget (entlast)))))
    (command "zoom" "e")
    (command "zoom" "0.95x")
    (defun name_font ()
    (command "layer" "m" "textstyle" "c" "2" "" "")
    (setq name1 (strcat "Textstyle is \"" (getvar "textstyle") "\""))
    (setq name2 (strcat "Font is " fontnam))
    (command "text" "j" "bl" "0.0,0.33" "0.125" "0" name1 "" "")
    (command "text" "j" "bl" "0.0,0.125" "0.125" "0" name2 "" "")
    (setq name_style
    name nil
    GaryDF, Aug 16, 2004
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