Is there font 3D,and what release in Autocad was install it.
You can give text (DTEXT) created with a text style that is using an SHX font... thickness. Also try using the Express Tool TXTEXP and then either use of the BOUNDARY command or REGION command and extrude the outlines to make them solid...
You have managed to "explode" the text into plines with TXTEXP, now use the EXTRUDE command to turn them into solids with height. You can also change their thickness property to make them hollow extrusions.
Sorry, As Daniel has pointed out... I forgot the mention the EXTRUDE command... but before you extrude them I would recommend making the whole alphabet (UPPER & lower case) along with numbers 0-9 individual blocks... and when making a block out of them, make them 1 unit in height (and an insertion point centered or middle) so when you insert them you can scale (to get the desired height & width) and (explode if still in block form) then extrude to the desired thickness. After that they will be SOLID and can then be used as is, unioned to another solid, subtracted from another solid. Is there a particular font you were trying to do this with?
Hi madcadd,thanks a lot for your comment and help,yes I need it,would you post to my email. at 1 unit high using Swiss721Blk Oul BT.ttf. I only made the upper case letters and the numerals. I did not make the lower case alphabet as we don't need it here. (at least not yet) I certainly will if ever we need the lower case. showing it.