Follow up question on mechanism update speed and graphic options.

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Xavier, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. Xavier

    Xavier Guest

    I followed the advice of someone on this forum on why my mechanism updates
    are to slow (10-15 seconds) as being dependent on graphics. I thought it was
    because my processor and memory, since in school Pro/E mechanism updates
    took about a second, I already was waiting for my new computer to come (AMD
    3000 64, 768mb Ram), and my updates were still taking about 15 seconds to
    refresh. I decided then to turn of all graphics acceleration on my ATI 9600
    PRO, and started up Pro/E. To my surprise the mechanism took just one second
    to update. But everything else in my computer including model movement in
    pro e was sluggish. Knowing that it was probably a problem with my Opengl
    settings or driver, I reinstated graphics acceleration and I changed the
    "graphics" option in the to "win32_gdi", which probably stands
    for windows proprietary graphic processing protocol. I got the same results,
    fast updates but sluggish model movement/rotation response.

    I then tried the other graphic options in Pro/E config (opengl, starbase,
    xgl, x_windows

    ) but got the same result as I had before I started changing the settings
    around. Slow mechanism refresh but smooth model motion. After that I treid
    messing with the opengl options in my ATI control panel such as.

    Wait for vertical sync

    Texture and Mipmap settings

    Z- Buffering 16, 24 disable

    Tripple Buffering,

    But I still had the same problems

    My question do any of you know any other options within windows that I can
    change that would have an effect on the graphics in Pro/E. Also why would
    graphic options have anything to with mechanism update, I would think that
    mechanism calculations would be totally cpu/ram bound instead of being
    dependent on the graphics system.

    Thanks for reading
    Xavier, Apr 26, 2004
  2. Xavier

    David Janes Guest

    : My question do any of you know any other options within windows that I can
    : change that would have an effect on the graphics in Pro/E. Also why would
    : graphic options have anything to with mechanism update, I would think that
    : mechanism calculations would be totally cpu/ram bound instead of being
    : dependent on the graphics system.
    Try soft modding your gaming card into a Fire GLcard

    David Janes
    David Janes, Apr 27, 2004
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