Folder openings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. Ever have the feeling that you just discovered the secret key, or maybe
    close to it, only to have it dashed to the ground?

    I have a repeatable, simple sequence that makes a folder not stay closed
    every time. I even tried rebooting the machine to make sure it was a fresh
    start. However, I tried it on 2 other machines, and they worked fine - the
    folder stayed closed. Rats! Anyway, in hopes that there's a clue here
    somewhere, here's my sequence, in its shortest version.

    1. Start SW
    2. Open a new assy
    3. Add a part - I tried dragging one in, and also "from file"
    4. RMB on the part in FM and "Add to new folder"
    5. Manually open the folder
    6. Rebuild

    From this point on, any time you rebuild, the folder flies open. Saving
    with it closed, rebuild before opening, etc doesn't appear to change the
    action. What does change things is adding more than one folder - the
    opening pattern I haven't figured out yet. However, if you have more than
    one folder and then delete all but one, it goes back to the above behavior.

    I just discovered something else. This folder action sequence is
    consistently "bad" only when using the assy in the same session in which it
    was created. If you save the file, it still works "wrong." But if you save
    it and close it and then open it, the action isn't consistent as the per the
    numbered sequence above. Rats again.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 4, 2004
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Sporkman Guest

    Are you on SP2.1 yet?

    .. . . (clip) . . .
    Sporkman, Feb 5, 2004
  3. Sorry folks, forgot to say this was with SW2003, SP5.1. (Hang head in

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 5, 2004
  4. Just tried it in SW2004, SP2.1 and it was just a bit different. The folder
    stayed closed through the numbered steps until I did a RMB on the part and
    picked "go to in feature tree" or just plain expanded the part inside the
    assy - same result. Then it wouldn't stay closed.

    New observation. If you close the part in the tree before rebuilding, then
    the folder stays closed. It appears that it's trying to put it back the way
    it was at some previous time, but just having the folder open doesn't seem
    to make it misbehave, which is good. However, having a part expanded does
    make it not stay closed, which is bad.

    So, then I went back to 2003 and tried the same thing. It appears that it
    has the same issues, only the major difference is that in 2004, the folder
    stays closed when only the parts were left showing, whereas in 2003, even
    the closed parts showing is bad for it.

    Sounds like progress to me - hope someone can see something here.

    So, try that and let me know what happens.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 5, 2004
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