Folder List

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jasehuss, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. Jasehuss

    Jasehuss Guest

    Can anyone help me with a bit of code I'm struggling with,

    I need to return a list of directories that recurses down the folder structure (ie returns all subfolders) from a given starting point until it can go no further.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction to do this?

    Jasehuss, Aug 17, 2004
  2. Jasehuss

    zeha Guest


    Maybe this

    (vl-directory-files (getvar"dwgprefix") nil -1)


    zeha, Aug 17, 2004
  3. Jasehuss

    ECCAD Guest

    This function needs the DOS Lib loaded, and will 'find'
    a particular filename. You could modify it to cons a list
    of the folders if needbe.

    (defun find_me ( fname / dir ddir dir_lst ddir_lst )
    (setq dir_lst (dos_subdir "C:")); get sub-directory list
    (foreach dir dir_lst
    (setq ddir_lst (dos_subdir (strcat "C:/" dir)))
    (if ddir_lst
    (foreach ddir ddir_lst
    (setq cf nil)
    (setq cf (dos_search fname (strcat "C:/" dir "/" ddir)))
    (if cf
    (princ (strcat "\n" cf))
    (setq return (cons cf return))
    ); progn
    ); if
    (if Return
    (setq return (reverse return))
    ); if
    ); foreach
    ); progn
    ); if
    ); foreach
    ); defun
    ;; Variable Return = 'list' of all folders containing matched filename

    ECCAD, Aug 17, 2004
  4. Jasehuss

    ECCAD Guest

    That's too simple :)
    ECCAD, Aug 17, 2004
  5. Jasehuss

    Jasehuss Guest

    Thanks Harry,

    Already looked at that tho',

    It doesn't quite do what I need it to, as it only returns the first level of sub dirs.

    Jasehuss, Aug 17, 2004
  6. Jasehuss

    Jasehuss Guest

    Cheers Bob,

    I'm going to have a look at your code to see if i can adapt it.

    Jasehuss, Aug 17, 2004
  7. Jasehuss

    zeha Guest


    This is a modified function created by Luis Esquivel

    With many subdirs it a litlebit slow

    I hope this is what you looking for

    (defun search_sub_folders (path)
    (setq path (if (wcmatch path "*\\") path (strcat path "\\")))
    (vl-remove nil (mapcar '(lambda (sub)
    (if(not(wcmatch sub "`.*"))
    (cons (strcat path sub)
    (apply 'append (search_sub_folders (strcat path sub))))))
    (vl-directory-files path nil -1))))


    zeha, Aug 18, 2004
  8. Jasehuss

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Jason

    This code returns folders recursive or not recursive with or without
    file names:
    ; == Function MeGetFolders
    ; Scans from current folder (recursive) for folders (and files).
    ; Arguments [Type]:
    ;   Fol = Root folder [STR]
    ;   Pat = File name pattern
    ;         - Not False: eg. *.*, *.dwg [STR]
    ;         - False:     Folders only [BOOLEAN]
    ;   Rec = Recursive flag [BOOLEAN]
    ;         - True:  scan folders recursive
    ;         - False: scan first folder level
    ; Return [Type]:
    ;   > If pattern argument False:
    ;     '("Pth1" "Pth2"...) [LIST]
    ;   > If pattern argument not False:
    ;     '(("Pth1" '("Fil1" "Fil2"...)) ("Pth2" '(...))...) [LIST]
    ; Notes:
    ;   - If no files found in a folder, the file list returns a '("").
    ;   - Deep folder structure slow down the function.
    (defun MeGetFolders (Fol Pat Rec / FolLst TmpFol)
    (setq TmpFol (if (wcmatch Fol "*\\") (substr Fol 1 (1- (strlen Fol))) Fol)
    FolLst (cons TmpFol (apply 'append (MeGetFoldersRec TmpFol Rec)))
    (if Pat
    '(lambda (l)
    (cons l (cond ((vl-directory-files l Pat 1)) ('(""))))
    ) FolLst
    ; == Function MeGetFoldersRec
    ; Recursive function for MeGetFolders.
    ; Arguments [Type]:
    ;   Fol = Folder [STR]
    ;   Rec = Recursive flag [BOOLEAN]
    ;         - True:  scan folders recursive
    ;         - False: scan first folder level
    ; Return [Type]:
    ;   > Folder list '((Pth1) (Pth2)) [LIST]
    ; Notes:
    ;   Return value contain nil atoms.
    (defun MeGetFoldersRec (Fol Rec / TmpFol)
    '(lambda (l)
    (if (not (wcmatch l "`.*"))
    (setq TmpFol (strcat Fol "\\" l))
    (if Rec (apply 'append (MeGetFoldersRec TmpFol Rec)))
    ) (vl-directory-files Fol nil -1)
    Jürg Menzi, Aug 18, 2004
  9. Jasehuss

    John Uhden Guest

    From 3-07-2004

    ;; Function to create a tree-structured list of folders
    ;; given the parent folder as a Path.
    ;; Note that using a path of "" or "." or "\\" will exclude
    ;; the drive letter. McNeel's DOSLIB has a DOS_FULLPATH function
    ;; that can return such folders with drive designations.
    ;; (c) John F. Uhden, Cadlantic
    (defun @Folders (Path / Folders @Dirs)
    (defun @Dirs (Path / Dir Dirs)
    (= (type Path) 'STR)
    (/= (type DOS_FULLPATH) 'EXRXSUBR)
    (setq Path (DOS_FULLPATH Path))
    (if (wcmatch Path ",*/,*\\")
    (setq Dir Path)
    (setq Dir (strcat Path "\\"))
    (setq Dirs (vl-directory-files Dir "*.*" -1))
    (setq Folders (cons Path Folders))
    (setq Dirs (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x)(vl-position x '("." ".."))) Dirs))
    (mapcar '@Dirs (mapcar '(lambda (x)(strcat Dir x)) Dirs))
    (@Dirs Path)
    (reverse Folders)

    (ie returns all subfolders) from a given starting point until it can go no
    John Uhden, Aug 19, 2004
  10. Jasehuss

    Jasehuss Guest

    Thanks for all the posts here guys, I'm sure there will be something I can use here

    Very much appreciated

    Jasehuss, Aug 19, 2004
  11. Jasehuss

    Jasehuss Guest

    Just the Job, Thankyou very much.
    Jasehuss, Aug 19, 2004
  12. Jasehuss

    Jürg Menzi Guest


    Jürg Menzi, Aug 19, 2004
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