
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jesús Padilla, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. Jesús Padilla

    TCEBob Guest


    Ok, I'll go back to copy. But not happily. One problem with my function
    was that it does not carry dimension overrides. And all of the dire
    possibilities abovementioned.

    I have to say, all the heavy breathing and (to me) advanced discussion
    point up the fact that what we have is a bug. One that Autodesk ought to
    have fixed long since. If COPY breaks a leader then either fix COPY or
    fix Leader.

    I ain't dead yet, I'm gonna try recreating the leader through the
    (command) function. Slow and unsophisticated but not likely to get me in
    trouble with the database structure.

    Thanks for the comments!

    TCEBob, Jan 24, 2004
  2. Jesús Padilla

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    An example of a
    Really? Is Outlook Express a newsreader??

    Mr. rdi, I'm aware of what the original post said, since I QUOTED it in my reply......

    Mr Saadallah's reply spoke of both newsreader and browser searches - I figured he was talking about newsreader vs. http://discussion.autodesk.com searching. Unless they have changed something - the web interface searching at Autodesk is worthless - I was simply pointing out an alternative way to search the newsgroups without using either your newsreader or the Autodesk http side.
    R.K. McSwain, Jan 24, 2004
  3. Jesús Padilla

    rdi Guest


    I meant no disrespect--however YES OE IS a newsreader. I would consider
    starting Internet Explorer (or any other BROWSER) to search this newsgroup
    to be a BROWSER search.



    (remove the exclamation from the email address)

    Really? Is Outlook Express a newsreader??

    Mr. rdi, I'm aware of what the original post said, since I QUOTED it in my

    Mr Saadallah's reply spoke of both newsreader and browser searches - I
    figured he was talking about newsreader vs. http://discussion.autodesk.com
    searching. Unless they have changed something - the web interface searching
    at Autodesk is worthless - I was simply pointing out an alternative way to
    search the newsgroups without using either your newsreader or the Autodesk
    http side.
    rdi, Jan 25, 2004
  4. Jesús Padilla

    Doug Broad Guest

    "Tony Tanzillo" wrote
    Agreed. There are certainly situations that the
    program I posted would insufficiently preserve
    the links, especially with applications that link
    objects with xdata.
    Very interesting. Sounds like a good solution.

    With regard to floating objects, have you noticed any
    particular problems with "draworder" for 2004?

    Doug Broad, Jan 25, 2004
  5. I don't do much with Draworder, so I can't tell you
    much about it in any release.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 25, 2004
  6. Now please excuse the lurker for barging in late here, but what does copying and erasing
    have to do with draworder ?

    If you want to put certain entities in front of (or behind) others, draworder is the easy
    way to go.

    I don't get exactly what the whole deal about copy and erase is about. I probably sound
    like a whiner (especially this late in the discussion), but I can't help but ask. BTW,
    here's a ditty I did that suits me fine (plus, it has a cool name) :)

    (DEFUN C:hatchback (/ hatchdata leaderdata)
    (SETVAR "cmdecho" 0)
    ;; Get all HATCH entities
    (SETQ hatchdata (SSGET "X" '((0 . "HATCH"))))
    ;; Set the hatch entities to the back
    (COMMAND "_draworder" hatchdata "" "B")
    ;; Get LEADER entities
    (SETQ leaderdata (SSGET "X" '((0 . "LEADER"))))
    ;; Set the leaders to the front
    (COMMAND "_draworder" leaderdata "" "F")

    No leaders get broken, exploded, or capsized in any way with this thing.

    And if I'm really out of whack, tell me and I'll shut up. I promise.

    Pierre Marcotte, a.k.a
    Dr Fleau
    We are born naked, cold and hungry. Then things get worse.
    thisisafakeone, Jan 27, 2004
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