I'm having a problem with one machine not being able to obtain a license. It was working yesterday, and nothing has changed on this machine that I'm aware of. The specific error is described in this Technical Solution (and summarized below): http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=3003046&linkID=2475323 However, the license manager is functioning for the 24 other users on this server, as well as the other users in the other offices. We are using a distributed license system, with 5 total servers. All five servers are specified correctly in the ADSK_LICENSE_FILE system variable. They are also specified correctly in the registry key <HKLM>\Software\FlexLM...\ADSK_LICENSE_FILE. Although I don't think it's necessary, the licpath.lic contains the correct information for the one local server: SERVER <SERVERNAME> <MAC ADDRESS> USE_SERVER I can ping all five servers from the machine by name and IP address. I am able to telnet into the local server using both ports 27000 and 2080. There is no personal firewall software, and McAfee is not installed. If I check the debug.log file on the license server, there are no error messages or DENIED entries, or any reference to this machine name. LMTOOLS is version 9.1. I have uninstalled AutoCAD 2002, rebooted, and re-installed. There are no other products on this machine which use network licensing. AutoCAD 2002 is using SP1. I've gone through every TS and post I could find relating to this, and everything appears normal. I would appreciate it if you have any other suggestions. Thanks in advance, -Danny Polkinhorn WATG Honolulu Information from the TS: When you start an Autodesk® product that uses the FLEXlm® license managemnent technology, the following message is displayed in the FLEXlm License Finder dialog box: Your application was not able to obtain a license because the FLEXlm license manager could not determine where to find the licensing data it needs. Please specify the license server or license file. You then specify the license server and the following message is displayed: The network license manager was not able to get a valid license. If this problem continues, please contact your system administrator. Error [1.5.-15]
Hi Danny, 1. first of all if you using distributed server environment you should not have licpat.lic file at all (delete it). 2. fully delete ADSK_LICENSE_FILE key in the registry (later it will be created a new one). 3. After deleting it restart your machine and try to launch AutoCAD. Hope it helps. Efim [1.5.-15]
Efim, I deleted the licpath.lic, and the registry key for ADSK_LICENSE_FILE. I rebooted the machine, and tried to launch AutoCAD. Same error. After attempting, I checked and there's still no licpath.lic, and the registry entry was not recreated. Thanks for your continued help, Danny
Try to manually add the system environment variable ADSK_LICENSE_FILE and set the value to whatever your servers are named: @server1;@server2;@server3;@server4;@server5 -- Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark CAD and Database Developer Manager at www.pharmadule-emtunga.com Take a look at JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) - www.jtbworld.com/jtbflexreport SmartPurger (Purges automatically) - www.jtbworld.com/?/smartpurger.htm or download some freeware at www.jtbworld.com More on AutoCAD 2005; www.jtbworld.com/autocad2005.htm
Jimmy, Thanks for your help. I've done this also. No luck. I can always just image the machine, but I was hoping to resolve the issue first. We've had several instances of machines not being able to obtain a license, but usually a reinstall will take care of it. I'm thinking that some other system file is causing the problem (?). Thanks, Danny
Danny P.: Is there any adware, spyware, trojan installed? Anything in... <HKLM>\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Run <HKCU>\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Run ....that is not explainable. Any process or service running that is out of the ordinary? Just a shot in the dark. Good luck, Drew Burgasser CAD Masters, Inc.
Drew, Thanks for your help. There had been some adware on the machine which was the first thing I removed before troubleshooting the licensing issue. When I check the two registry locations you mentioned, nothing seems out of the ordinary. Microsoft mouse drivers, nVidia drivers, several entries under the IME directory in C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System32, our antivirus (Trend Micro), and our print/plot tracking software (SmartPlot). Thanks again, Danny