Flexible assemblies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kellnerp, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. kellnerp

    kellnerp Guest

    I'll pop this question here.

    Sub-Assembly (A) has two configurations.
    Sub-Assembly (B) contains Sub-Assembly (A) twice and flexible is checked for
    both. In addition, Sub-Assembly (B) has two configurations.
    Sub-Assembly (C) contains Sub-Assembly (B) twice and flexible is checked for
    both instances.

    Will this work and allow flexibility of (A) or will it have problems?
    kellnerp, Dec 19, 2003
  2. kellnerp

    Arlin Guest

    You can if the sub assembly and sub-sub assembly are both flexible
    Arlin, Dec 19, 2003
  3. kellnerp

    Arlin Guest

    Yep, exactly
    Arlin, Dec 19, 2003
  4. kellnerp

    kellnerp Guest

    Poor old user goes and puts this conundrum to the group:

    Now suppose subassy (A) has been designed, approved, released and put in the
    vault at Rev. 0. The subassy is then placed two or three levels deep in an
    assembly as previously pictured and the assembly wants to be parametric as
    to the number of sub-assemblies that contain (A).

    Quiz question:
    How many identical configurations should be put into sub-assembly (A) on the
    off chance it will be used multiple times in an assembly (flexible

    a. 100
    b. 1
    c. 1000
    d. 2^n where n is the number of levels deep the sub-assy is placed.

    How do you handle vaulting the sub-assembly with PDM?

    a. Generate a new revision each time you increase the number of
    b. Stop the PDMserver and hack the version with new configuration into the
    c. Turn on "Allow check in at same level."
    d. Don't bother, just keep the assembly stored locally.

    If the API had all the calls necessary to control assembly configs and
    flexibility this wouldn't be such a problem. Last time I checked it didn't.
    If it did, one could traverse the top level assembly tree, check for
    duplicate subassemblies, do a little math and generate configs on the fly
    much like sheetmetal drawings do for flatten pattern and alternate position
    views do.
    kellnerp, Dec 19, 2003
  5. kellnerp

    kellnerp Guest


    Here is another PDM related Conundrum.

    Suppose I want to work like this:

    Create all parts and assemblies as follows before drawings:

    1. All parts to contain part definition information such as dimensions, GDT
    frames, centerlines, surface finish callouts, notes, etc. so that when
    creating a drawing this stuff can all be imported and the draughtsman need
    only position things.

    2. Ditto with assemblies.

    3. The part is a sheet metal part or a an assembly is a mechanism.

    4. All the aforementioned parts and assemblies are created, checked,
    approved and released in the vault before drawings are created.

    5. Now drawings are made and for the items in 3) above flat patterns are
    automatically generated or alternate position views are created as
    appropriate. Both of these will create a configuration in the parent part
    or assembly. But these have already been approved and checked into the
    vault without those configurations.

    Should the part in the vault be revisioned to accommodate these added
    configurations or should it be left at its current revision level?
    kellnerp, Dec 20, 2003
  6. kellnerp

    TheTick Guest

    Look deeper into your PDM system's functionality. Ours (Meridian by
    Cyco) differentiates between "versions" and "revisions". A "revision"
    is an official change, with a rev. letter change and ECN, etc. A
    "version" change is any change at all. This is used when doing things
    like adding or changing configurations or minor adjustments that don't
    merit a full ECN revision.

    The PDM archives all versions for posterity, and allows "rollback" to
    different points in time.
    TheTick, Dec 20, 2003
  7. Our system (Conisio) won't let you change a file unless you lock it, it's
    read-only. Therefore, in your scenario, the person doing the drawing must
    lock the model file in order to save the newly created flat pattern config.
    Then when he unlocks it, the version is updated.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 20, 2003
  8. kellnerp

    matt Guest

    If I were faced with that choice, I would probably re-examine why I'm so
    dead set on using flexible subassemblies. If it's gonna cost me that much
    work, I would either skip it or rearrange my subassembly structure to
    accommodate it better (or try to do something creative like making an
    alternate structure using envelopes which would show the motion).

    Again, why are you so concerned about the rev level? Why not just make the
    changes and let the rev do what it will? You could overwrite the current
    rev, but if you do that, inevitably there will be some problem where
    something changed in another configuration that you didn't count on.

    I usually manage the drawing and the model separately, and allow the
    revisions to be independent. It's too much work to do it consistantly
    keeping the model and drawing revisions in lockstep.

    I would never recommend hacking the vault. Sometimes you can get away with
    it, but I would do it as a last resort. The cost of really effing it up is
    just too high. In fact, I have seen SolidWorks refuse to help people who
    have hacked their vault and made a mess of it.

    I would also recommend against keeping the assembly stored on your local
    machine. That approach will work, but keeping track of things is why
    you're using a PDM system in the first place. Multiple copies of files
    will get you in trouble somewhere down the line.

    matt, Dec 20, 2003
  9. kellnerp

    matt Guest

    Yeah, that's an interesting question. I think there are two answers:

    1) make sure that you make a flat pattern config of sheetmetal parts before
    you finish with it, in the same way that you make a scaled config of molded
    or cast parts.

    2) if you forget to do 1), you will need to take ownership and check it
    back in after the drawing has automatically created the flat pattern
    derived config in the part.

    If you make the drawing, but don't check the sheetmetal part with the new
    flatpattern config back in, your drawing will be incorrect next time you
    open it (unless it has been made as a "detached" drawing).

    That's a scenario I hadn't thought of before. I'm gonna remember that.
    Thanks for bringing it up.

    matt, Dec 20, 2003
  10. kellnerp

    matt Guest

    No, PDMW doesn't manage configurations separately, but it does make new
    revisions to files that have been changed. When the sheetmetal flat
    pattern drawing view is created, it automatically creates a new config in
    the part, which constitutes a change, so the part should be up-revved.

    There are some PDM apps that allow you to manage each configuration as a
    separate document. Sometimes it has uses, but I'm not a big fan of that

    matt, Dec 21, 2003
  11. kellnerp

    kellnerp Guest

    See responses below:
    I am faced with that choice because of the nature of the equipment I am
    designing. The same assembly is repeated over and over and must be shown in
    the appropriate location in each instance in the same assembly.

    The point of this question is that one doesn't know apriori how many times
    an assembly may need to be used in another assembly and that PDMW in
    particular seems not to be able to deal with this sort of thing.
    During development this is fine. Just let the rev level bump up. One of the
    beauties of PDM during development is that a snapshot of the project can be
    had at various stages and one can go back to a previous state if necessary.
    After release to the outside world the rules change.
    My current working method with PDM is that a revision level must be changed
    when one thing occurs. Any change to either the model or the drawing that
    effects the way the part is to be made is a revision. So changing a note is
    a revision and changing a dimension is also a revision. I have to have this
    definition because when I release parts for quote and production based on
    revision level I must have record of their changing. For example
    specifiying red paint instead of blue paint in a note on the drawing would
    be a revision. Changing tolerance on a hole from +/- .01 to +.001 -.000
    would also be a revision even though it occurred on the part level. Adding
    a configuration to a sheet metal part for the sake of making a flat pattern
    drawing would not be a revision.
    They don't document the vault structure and there is limited instruction for
    manually going into the vault and changing things. So, yes, vault hacking
    is at your own risk.

    There actually is an out in PDMW and that is to check the box for allow same
    revision checkin. So vault admin can allow this to happen when appropriate.
    I agree with you whole heartedly. One copy in the vault, the vault backed up
    and on tape every night and everyone can sleep better.
    kellnerp, Dec 21, 2003
  12. kellnerp

    kellnerp Guest

    Do minor revisions bump up the revision number? We use the PDM derived
    revision number stored in custom properties as the revsion number on the
    kellnerp, Dec 21, 2003
  13. kellnerp

    kellnerp Guest

    One of the seeming difficulties in managing SW models is that SW will change
    a file for its own internal bookeeping purposes without user knowledge that
    it has done so. This is especially true with assemblies where the face
    numbers used in mates can change due to changes in a part. When this
    happens the part and assembly may have to be checked back in with the
    assembly at the same rev level and the part at a new rev level.


    PDM is as much a discipline as a software solution. You have to do it one
    way or the other in a production environment or you will have total chaos.
    What strikes me as being rather odd is that the PDM solutions offered with
    SW don't take the way SW works into consideration and put limits on how one
    works. I am starting to appreciate some of the configuration management
    things I saw in CATIA when I demoed it some years ago.
    kellnerp, Dec 21, 2003
  14. kellnerp

    TheTick Guest

    Don't do that.

    In our system, all changes increment the "version" number (generated
    by the PDM system) up by one. For revision (ECN) level, we use a
    separate property that is not manually incremented.
    TheTick, Dec 21, 2003
  15. Since the minor revision is a seperate field in the database, it is up to
    the company's requirements how they wish to use this. In the case of those
    who use the minor revision, it does not warrant a major revision therefore
    it also does not require an ECN to add a new configuration, fix a misspell,
    etc., but again it is up to the individual company.

    Best Regards,

    Bob Hanson
    Centare Group, Ltd. - Custom
    Software and Systems Integration
    Robert Hanson, Dec 21, 2003
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