Flatten Spline

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bill Jones, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. Bill Jones

    Bill Jones Guest

    I need to be able to flatten an extrusion defined by a spline. This
    will be used to create a manufacturing template used to construct a
    light reflector. The curve of the reflector is defined by a spline.
    The final reflector will be faceted as it revolves around the bulb and
    a continuous cure defined by a spline looking at the side view.
    Solidwork's sheetmetal flatten seems to not like splines. Is there
    some way to work around this. It doesnt need to be sheetmetal. I
    just need to create a drawing of the flattened spline curve extrusion.
    When flattened properly the edges of the extrusion will be curved.
    Getting that curve onto a drawing is the ultimate goal.
    Bill Jones, Sep 1, 2004
  2. Bill Jones

    Bill Jones Guest

    Thanks Mike, worked perfect.

    Bill Jones, Sep 1, 2004
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