Flat mode extraction error !!!

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by psitham, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. psitham

    psitham Guest

    Hello Everybody,

    I have a problem during extraction of a layout. When I extract it in
    flat mode it gives me a "bad open in .pdv file" warning and the
    extraction fails. When I extract the same layout using other modes
    (macro cell, full hier, incremental hier) it works ! (It does not give
    me any error messages). I'm not able to figure out why ?. Does anyone
    have a clue as to what is happening here. Any help in this regard is
    sincerely appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    psitham, Jan 10, 2005
  2. This is a problem we have seen in the past. Please include the version
    you are running when you ask these kinds of questions. The -V command
    line option will show this information.

    Assuming you are not running an older build that has one of the bugs we
    have fixed, the only thing that comes to mind is that someone is
    deleting the .pdv files while Diva is running. That is what the message
    means, Diva tried to open an existing .pdv file and found it was not

    If you find you can reproduce the problem with a recent build, and
    people are not deleting .pdv files, there is nothing you can do but
    submit the data as the test case for a P0 bug report.
    Diva Physical Verification, Jan 10, 2005
  3. psitham

    psitham Guest

    Thank you for your response. The version of icfb I'm using is

    Yes I can reproduce the problem. Everytime I do an extraction for a
    particular layout, it gives me this error. The same extraction rule
    file works fine for other layouts.

    psitham, Jan 12, 2005
  4. I found PCR 308360 which was fixed in for this same
    problem. I don't know if you can get the more recent build since 5.0.33
    is the oldest release we still support. Staying current with software
    releases IS important.

    Reading the PCR database reminds me of another cause of this error
    message. If your design contains PCells, they may be using the private
    Diva layer manipulation functions layerOr, layerAnd, layerSize, etc.
    While moderately safe to use most of the time, they are almost always a
    problem if the PCell is evaluated while Diva is running. To check if
    this is the case, open the top cellview, set the view start and stop
    levels to 0 and 32, redraw. If the error goes away, this is your cause.
    Diva Physical Verification, Jan 12, 2005
  5. psitham

    psitham Guest

    Can u tell me a little more specifically how to do this. I'm not
    exactly able to zero in on where there is this top cellview and where
    to set the start and stop levels. I'm using Cadence Virtuoso layout
    editing tool. There are options where I can set the display levels, is
    that what u meant ?. Thank you in advance.

    psitham, Jan 13, 2005
  6. Yes, it is the display start and stop level. In current releases it is
    in the Options/Display menu item. I don't remember where it is in 4.4.5
    Diva Physical Verification, Jan 14, 2005
  7. psitham

    psitham Guest

    Yes it is the same in version 4.4.5 as well. I tried it and it still
    does'nt work, gives me the same error. Is there any other direction we
    can work on towards solving this ?. Thank you for your response.

    psitham, Jan 14, 2005
  8. You have reached that special place known as "I need to see the data".
    You'll have to assemble a testcase and submit a bug report. The odds are
    good that it will not reproduce on a supported release since a fix was
    done shortly after the build you are running for a problem that sounds
    like yours. You may be better off to install a supported release and see
    if it still has the problem.
    Diva Physical Verification, Jan 14, 2005
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