FIX the BUGS first then add bells and whistles

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John Layne, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. John Layne

    John Layne Guest


    Just logged into SolidWorks to check on the status of my SPR's, I have
    10 at the moment. Some of these date back to February. Guess what------
    they are all still "Open"

    To be totally honest I think 2 of them have been fixed in the latest
    Service packs. Does make you wonder when or if they will bother to look
    at them and who or how they maintain the list of SPR's.

    One of them is a guaranteed CTD for me at least.

    One other rant or whinge, I think SolidWorks should drop all its plug-ins.
    Toolbox (Huge Screws or Big Nuts)- 3 Gold Partners have viable alternates
    PhotoWorks (Nothing gets fixed just broken by SP's)-Maxwell where are you
    Animator (has improved dramatically, but lets drop it anyway)
    PDMWorks (Causes me a CTD when checking in Docs with "include drawings"
    enabled - this is probably specific to me)

    If they drop these and sell them to someone who can maintain them,
    SolidWorks could then perhaps fix its core product. Imagine all the
    spare time they would have, hell they would even sleep better at night
    knowing that their customers weren't pissed off.

    Believe it or not I like SolidWorks, it mostly works well for me and
    what I do. But I wanna get of the cycle of yearly upgrades and constant
    Beta testing until SP5.1 is released.

    Dear Mr or Mrs SolidWorks

    One new release every 2 years please and continue servicing old releases
    for 2-3 years. FIX the BUGS first then add bells and whistles.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Jul 23, 2005
  2. John Layne

    Bonobo Guest

    John, the baptist...


    Bonobo, Jul 23, 2005
  3. John Layne

    John Layne Guest

    Geeze -- what bad grammar, high blood pressure must be the cause
    John Layne, Jul 23, 2005
  4. John Layne

    TOP Guest

    You might have a point. Does anybody really think SW is good enough
    that people would buy last years version; I do. Last years version
    works just fine for me and gets a lot of work out. SW is that good. So
    releasing every 2 years makes sense. Fixing bugs monthly makes sense.
    And being able to read and write the last two release's files makes
    sense. Giving VAR's time to really learn how to support the software
    also makes sense. I'll bet a VAR could have their people spend 10% more
    time demoing if they didn't have to retrain themselves every year.

    I have a dirty little secret here. I am still using Windows 98 too. It
    just runs and runs. Not for SW of course but for Office and email.
    TOP, Jul 23, 2005
  5. John Layne

    Scott Guest

    If those Add-ins don't work for you uncheck them and see if your SW

    Then come back here and list your results of your findings

    Scott, Jul 26, 2005
  6. John Layne

    John Layne Guest

    Hi Scott

    They probably have no effect on SolidWorks stability what so ever. My
    problems are with each add-in: - as per my original post.

    They main reason for my whinge, is that support and development of these
    add-ins distract SolidWorks Corp from maintaining and the core
    functionality of the SolidWorks programme.

    (I really, really like SolidWorks despite my whinging)
    John Layne, Jul 26, 2005
  7. John Layne

    Bonobo Guest

    John, "add-ins distract SolidWorks Corp from maintaining and the core
    functionality of the SolidWorks programme."

    So hire more Indian programmers and train them in Bangalore.

    Let's see what the numbers are: 200,000 active Swks users x $1,000/yr
    minimum = about a quarter billion dollars.

    So I think SolidWorks has the ability to hire more programmers and
    manage them.

    Am I right? I think Desault is bleeding SolidWorks as a cash cow to
    support Dessault, though I am not going to waste my time on the whole

    I must admit I like and need to have the funcitonality of some of the
    addins, however crippled they might be in the beginning. MoldFlow
    Express is better than nothing and better than spending $7000 for the
    full starter package.

    Bonobo, Jul 26, 2005
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