Problems with your concrete & gravel hatch patterns not displaying correctly? I found a nice article @ cadalyst and decided to try to convert it to VBA. I couldn't really find the equivilant to "hatchedit" in the model, so i played around with some of the methods. I found that by rescaling the hatch and re-evaluating it, it will display correctly. If anyone has suggestions on better code, feel free to jump in :) [code] Sub Fix_Hatch() On Error GoTo my_ERROR Dim oEnt As AcadEntity Dim vPT As Variant Dim vOldSnapBase As Variant Dim dblPatternScale As Double Dim vTempSnapBase(0 To 1) As Double ' GET OLD SNAP BASE vOldSnapBase = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("SNAPBASE") ' SELECT HATCH TO UPDATE Set oEnt = EntSel("Select Hatch Pattern To Fix:") If Not oEnt Is Nothing Then If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadHatch Then ' CREATE TEMP SNAP BASE NEAR HATCH PATTERN vTempSnapBase(0) = vPT(0) vTempSnapBase(1) = vPT(1) ThisDrawing.SetVariable "SNAPBASE", vTempSnapBase ' UPDATE HATCH PATTERN dblPatternScale = oEnt.PatternScale oEnt.PatternScale = dblPatternScale * 1.1 oEnt.PatternScale = dblPatternScale oEnt.Evaluate ' RESTORE GOOD SNAP BASE POINT ThisDrawing.SetVariable "SNAPBASE", vOldSnapBase Else MsgBox oEnt.ObjectName & " not supported. Please choose a hatch pattern to update.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Invalid Object Selected" End If 'WRONG OBJECT TYPE End If 'NOTHING SELECTED my_EXIT: ThisDrawing.SetVariable "SNAPBASE", vOldSnapBase Exit Sub my_ERROR: MsgBox "Unable to update hatch pattern" & vbNewLine & _ Err.Number & Err.Description Err.Clear Resume my_EXIT End Sub [/code] (from: [URL][/URL]) [quote] 6. AUTOCAD TIP: THREE WAYS TO HEAL YOUR HATCH Here's a Hatch tip from Leonid Nemirovsky at BTN (Better Than Nothing) AutoLISP: [URL][/URL] Starting in Release 2000, for some reason gravel and concrete patterns sometimes look broken (a bunch of not-closed lines). This problem exists in AutoCAD 2002 and 2004, but I haven't encountered it in 2005 yet. Here are three workarounds: 1. At the Command prompt, type Snapbase, then press Enter, and pick a point near the broken pattern. Use the Edit Hatch command, touch the pattern, and then cancel the command. Don't forget to reset it back to 0,0 (or whatever it was). 2. At the Command prompt, type UCS, enter M (for Move), press Enter and pick a point close to the broken pattern. Use the Edit Hatch command touch the pattern and then cancel the command. Don't forget reset it back to 0,0. If the UCS doesn't move, be sure that in the pull-down menu VIEW/DISPLAY/UCS/ORIGIN is checked. 3. Use this AutoLISP macro. Save the code as hpf.lsp and load and run it. Simply snap to the broken hatch pattern, and the routine will fix it. [/quote] [code] (defun c:hpf (/ om sb pt) (setq om (getvar"osmode")) (setvar "osmode" 15359) (setq pt (getpoint" Snap to Any Point on Broken Hatch Pattern: ")) (command "snapbase" pt) (command"hatchedit" pt "" "" "" "") (setvar "osmode" om) (command "snapbase" sb) (princ) ) [/code]