Fit multiple peices of B inside of Peice A

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rob V, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. Rob V

    Rob V Guest

    Hello all,

    Im in the process of building an icecream stand for a client.
    They want a 47" diameter arch - 9' long for the top.
    My plan is to cut out 47" x 3" wide diameter ribs (arches) then support them
    in the middle then put bendy ply over it.
    Im figuring 6 arches for support - id like to be able to cut them all out on
    1 sheet of ply.
    Does anyone know how to automagically layout a peice w/in another peice?

    Ie - I draw a 4'x8' box.- Part A (the plywood)
    I then draw the arch - 47" OD, 43" ID - Part B (the arch)
    then have it fit as many of Part B inside Part A?

    Doing it by hand right now - I can fit 5.
    2 on the top
    2 on the bottom (layed out like the Macdonalds arches on top of each other)
    then 1 more in the middle facing like a U

    Id like to somehow fit 6 on 1 sheet.

    Any help would be great.


    Rob V, Jun 16, 2005
  2. Rob V

    strawberry Guest

    Have a look at tailoring/pattern cutting sites in google. I'm suspect
    that there are free utilities for doing what wou want. Failing that,
    there's always a piece of paper and a pair of scissors!!!
    strawberry, Jun 16, 2005
  3. Rob V

    Brian Salt Guest

    On an 8'x4' sheet, with each arch 47" diameter leaves 1/2" clear each side
    if the arches are positioned across the 4' width. Six arches will fit
    easily along the 8' dimension, unless I have misunderstood what you want.
    Brian Salt, Jun 16, 2005
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