Finding the shortest path

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by nash, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. nash

    nash Guest

    Dear All,

    I would like to get some suggestions from anyone of you to tackle a
    particular problem that I am facing.

    "I have a set of points in which I know the start and destination
    points.I need to find the shortest route connecting all the points".

    How do you sort the points?Which algoritm do you think is the most

    nash, Dec 18, 2003
  2. nash

    Lorys Guest

    I'm not sure how you'd do this in microstation programming ..
    Maybe you could do it with SQL in Mapinfo
    or maybe in Bentley Geo graphics there might be something..
    I'm tempted to try to solve it algebraicaly with pythagoras.. from the
    difference between the xy of each point and the origin will give the
    shortest of the first point, it then would become the new origin and you
    then do it again this determines the next point after the new origin, then
    you would have the sequence of points to be joined from the
    would not be too hard to do in excel then use excel to reorder the points
    and use place line command and the
    place line xy=cordx1,cordy1
    place line xy=cordx2,coordy2 etc
    save these as txt and then place the line by script keyin @the full path
    to mytextfile.txt at the key command line in ustn
    It should be easy as you already must have the points in a table or ascii
    file just play with it in excel set up formulas so you can recycle it with
    the series fill and just pate in new coords each time from another table..
    If you don't have the points in a table select the points then use the
    export cordinates tool (look in xyz annotations if you never heard of it)..
    you could make a series of macros to simplify the whole operation from the
    Or you could by soem mapping tools MAPPA might have this feature...
    Search for MAPPA on the web.
    Lorys, Dec 19, 2003
  3. nash

    Tim Arheit Guest

    The usual method:

    Asumming the points on a grid.


    Where 0 are the points. Label the starting point 1 then all it's
    adjacent points 2, all points adjacent to those points 3 until you run
    into the first other point, then trace the numbers back.

    After 2 iterations:




    (The o in the bottom row was found in iteration 4)
    Now trace back any route 4-3-2-1

    To find the route from that point to the next repeat.

    This also can be done with descrete points connected by line segments
    using the segment's lengths as the number (a weighted path)

    I saw a nice java demo of the algorithm on the web demonstrating
    routing circuit boards.

    Tim Arheit, Dec 19, 2003
  4. nash

    Lorys Guest

    Tim I don't seem to be able to work thru your example to get a shortest
    I understand it's an iterative approach
    Lorys, Dec 23, 2003
  5. nash

    Tim Arheit Guest

    I can't say I gave the best description.


    The algorithm text may be hard to follow, but the java demos make
    things pretty clear.

    These demos show the weighted case (points connected by lines of
    different length), but the same can be done with a grid of points with
    a uniform distance between each point.

    Tim Arheit, Dec 23, 2003
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