Finding the angle between two arcs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kanya.rajani, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. kanya.rajani

    kanya.rajani Guest


    I have 2 arcs with one common point at the ends,
    How can i get the angle between both the arcs.
    Using angular dimensions i am able to get the angle of arcs,
    but wat i need is the angle at the point of joint(intersection) of
    both the arcs.
    How can this be done??????

    kanya.rajani, Dec 21, 2005
  2. See my comments interspersed below.
    There's really no such thing. You must mean something else.
    Under the Angular Dimension prompt the default is to just pick an object to
    dimension, but there is a prompt that varies with different versions as
    well. If you hit ENTER at that prompt you will be able to pick points for
    the vertex, start point and end point of the dimension. That should get you
    what you want.
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 21, 2005
  3. kanya.rajani

    G Guest

    I assume from your question that you want the
    angle from the PI of one arc to the PI of the other.
    Draw a line from any where, to the center
    (base snap mid pt) of each arc line. The PI's are at
    where the line meets the arc midpoint. Then dimension
    the angle between them.
    G, Dec 24, 2005
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