Finding distributor for new ergonomic product for CTS and RSI in the world

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by xiujun_gong, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. xiujun_gong

    xiujun_gong Guest

    Dear Sir or madam,

    We invent a set of revolutionary ergonomic product for Carpal Tunnel
    Syndrome and Repetitive Strain Injury. In addition, they have various
    usages for white collar syndrome and other computer related diseases.

    If you are interested in finding gold business chance and want to know
    more details,
    Please visit our website: http://

    If our products are useless for you,
    please transfer this letter to your boss and business friends. Maybe
    you do a big favor for them because every business man is always
    looking for new products and business chance.


    Rose Gong
    xiujun_gong, Nov 7, 2006
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