Finding components pieces of a 3-D object

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by E.D., Feb 22, 2004.

  1. E.D.

    E.D. Guest

    I've designed a 3D Solid which consists entirely of flat planes. I'd
    like to break it up into those component planes, slap 'em on a single
    flat plane, and dimension them so that I can fabricate the object.
    There's gotta be some easy way to do this, right? On a previous
    project I used endless ALIGN commands to get everything on a single
    plane, and am hoping not to have to do that again.

    Thank you for any help!
    E.D., Feb 22, 2004
  2. E.D.

    Smiley Guest

    There are a few programs out there which will do this, but the
    object must be converted to a polyface mesh first.

    A higher end product is Touch-3d

    Then there is a very low end product which is really geared towards
    paper folding, but it can import meshes. Pepakura

    Smiley, Feb 24, 2004
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