Find touching same type polygons

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by stuart.duncan, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. Hi guys,

    i'm trying to do something which i assume is fairly basic. Within a
    layout view i want to find all polygons of layer "OD" that overlap or

    2 methods i can think of:

    1) An Assura DRC, a boolean operation to find area in common. Finding
    any shapes that overlap was easy using geomAnd( OD ). Then to find any
    abutting OD i tried:

    OD_1 = geomSize( OD 0.005 )
    OD_2 = geomAnd( OD_1 )

    However, it looks like i cannot use geomAnd on a derived layer, is
    that true(the manual seems also to infer this is the case)? I've tried
    stuff like geomButting but this requires 2 input layers and i am only
    dealing with one.

    2) Skill

    I suppose i could grab the co-ordinates of all OD polygons (i'm only
    dealing with squares and rectangles anyway) then step through each
    shape's co-ord's to find if any co-ord of the other shapes exist
    within the polygon in question. The problem for me is i don't really
    use Skill so would be starting from scratch but any tips are
    welcome....might be a good way for me to learn the basics of it.

    My preference is to use a DRC check as this seems like a simple
    logical operation.


    stuart.duncan, Apr 20, 2009
  2. Stu,

    I answered this on the Cadence forum (on but the answer is to do:

    OD_1 = geomSize( OD 0.005 unmerged )
    OD_2 = geomAnd( OD_1 )

    Your explanation above answers my question on the Cadence web-site forum as to
    what you were actually trying to achieve!


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 20, 2009
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