Find the registration code?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by adam.hartman, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. adam.hartman

    adam.hartman Guest

    Hi all! We use SolidWorks 2004 here at my job, and I've just recently
    had it installed on my machine. We have other installations on other
    machines, but mine is the most recent. We've gone through a few IT
    guys since the last install, and it seems that the documentation
    regarding the Registration Code has been lost. The current IT guy is
    looking into it, but his attempts to contact SolidWorks support have
    lead to them asking for a $1500 support renewal first.

    Does anyone know of a way to read the Registration Code from an
    installation on one of our other machines? Maybe it's in the registry
    or some other location? I'm not trying to use the software illegally,
    I just want to avoid the unreasonable (in my opinion) $1500 fee for a
    number we've misplaced.
    adam.hartman, Jun 28, 2007
  2. adam.hartman

    TOP Guest

    I've never seen SW refuse a legitimate request for an old code.
    Usually this goes through the VAR. If your IT really mislaid it have
    them pay for it. If you are installing on multiple machines that is
    illegal unless you can guarantee that only one person uses it at a

    TOP, Jun 28, 2007
  3. adam.hartman

    adam.hartman Guest

    We're licensed for 6 users, so there's no problem with installing it
    on less than 6 machines. I've not contacted SW myself, so I'm not
    sure if it was the VAR that the IT guy spoke to last time.
    adam.hartman, Jun 28, 2007
  4. If you want to move SW from one machine to another, you just have to open up
    SW on the "old" machine and hit Help/About SolidWorks. The Serial No. is the
    registration code. It won't give you the serial numbers for any of the
    add-ins though.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 28, 2007
  5. adam.hartman

    Eddie Guest

    Jerry and Adam,
    SolidWorks requires a serial number and a reg code. Your serial
    number can be found by going into SolidWorks, then Help, then, ...just
    like Jerry said. It will be a 16 digit number in the format 0000 0000
    0000 0000. This number can also be found in the registry under HKLM -
    SOFTWARE - SolidWorks - Security.

    However, the serial number is not the registration code.

    Typically, the registration code is alpha/numeric and can be 4 or 8
    characters. I believe 8 character codes are more recent. I do not know
    where or how it is stored.

    To answer your question, I agree with others, if you are legal, you
    shouldn't have any problems getting the code. If your VAR will not,
    then they are not serving you very well. Contact SolidWorks to get
    your code and report your VAR as not adding any value.
    Eddie, Jun 28, 2007
  6. adam.hartman

    Jean Marc Guest

    The regcode is released by SW, depending on licence Nb and SW version.
    I believe the dongle and the licence nb are linked.
    Jean Marc, Jun 29, 2007
  7. adam.hartman

    fcsuper Guest

    Reg code is included on the dongle if you have a network licence. Are
    you trying install a home licence? If so, you need to contact your
    VAR for a special reg code.

    Co-moderator of
    fcsuper, Jun 29, 2007

  8. Quite right. Your brain is apparently working, unlike mine.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 29, 2007
  9. adam.hartman

    j Guest

    If you have maintenance and can get to the SW portal, the serial numbers
    and reg codes are in the tab under my products.
    j, Jun 29, 2007
  10. adam.hartman

    Ed Guest

    For myself I have found a lot of value in the new features with newer
    releases. If you upgrade to SW 2007 or above the system that SW has
    implemented for transferring between computers works very nicely. I
    have seen a lot of groaning on some of these news groups over this
    system but it has worked nicely every time I have needed to use it.

    SW 2008 SP1 should be out in a mounth or two... perhaps that would be
    a good time to upgrade.

    Hope this helps.

    Ed, Jun 30, 2007
  11. adam.hartman

    TOP Guest

    He is not on maintenance anymore. But the VAR can still do this.

    TOP, Jun 30, 2007
  12. adam.hartman

    Jean Marc Guest

    "fcsuper" <> a écrit dans le message de ...
    Reg code is included on the dongle if you have a network licence. Are
    you trying install a home licence? If so, you need to contact your
    VAR for a special reg code.

    Things are different between the US and the rest of the world: we used to
    need a dongle for every licence, network or not. At least 'till 2006.
    So here, we need: a dongle, a serial, and a reg code, all linked together to
    make it work.
    Jean Marc, Jul 2, 2007
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