find & replace in multiple files.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RoNin Warrior, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for a way to replace (part of) a text string, which could be TEXT, MTEXT or ATTRIBUTE.

    "bla bla 110VAC bla bla"
    Should be changed into: "bla bla 230VAC bla bla"

    So, in this case I want to find : "110VAC"
    And replace it with: "230VAC"

    additionally, I need to do this with 700+ files.

    As you might guess ... I'm pretty new to this Lisp thing, but as it seams, I'm gonna have to lurn ;)

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Oh, and if you can tell me how to create a 'wait' loop, that would be great.
    I need it for a plot script I've written, to plot directly to a PDF file. For this I use FreePDF.

    However, the PDF conversion is to slow!!!

    So, while ACAD plots 15 DWG's, the FreePDF is still working on the first, and when finished, it continues with the latest plot. (nr. 16) skipping all the others.

    Currently I simply zoom extents & regen about 20 times, before continueing to the next file, but there MUST be a more 'elegant' way ;)

    RoNin Warrior, Aug 16, 2004
  2. RoNin Warrior

    MP Guest

    Search for SuperFind by Tony Tanzillo

    and when finished, it continues with the latest plot. (nr. 16) skipping all
    the others.
    to the next file, but there MUST be a more 'elegant' way ;)
    MP, Aug 16, 2004
  3. Tried already, can't find it.

    I just get the page stating ACADX has been discontinued.
    RoNin Warrior, Aug 18, 2004
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