Find intersecting shapes (polygons)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vtcad, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. vtcad

    vtcad Guest

    I am trying to return a list of all intersecting shapes on a specified
    layer based on one shapes list of Points, I have used the function
    below for rectangles, but I need something for polygons. Is there a
    "find overlap function" based on shape~>points vs. shape~>bBox? I have
    run the chop command on all shapes to convert to rectanges, but not
    all shapes can be converted, and I can't do an all shape merge due to
    speed issues.

    dbGetTrueOverlaps(cvTemp shape~>bBox list("metal" "drawing"))

    thanks in advance,
    vtcad, Mar 19, 2007
  2. You'll need to fracture the polygon first, then get the overlaps of each rectangle.
    Dominic Duvarney, Mar 20, 2007
  3. And you can use dbLayerTile() to fracture the shape...

    You'll still have a problem with non-orthogonal polygons, but a bit of
    post-processing of the matches could help you to filter out any false hits...


    Andrew Beckett, Mar 20, 2007
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