Find all drawings that reference a given part

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by sbarrett, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. sbarrett

    sbarrett Guest

    I am currently running Wildfire 3.0 without intralink. I have multiple
    drawings that reference back to a single part. Is there a way to
    search for all drawings (or assemblies for that matter) that reference
    a given part?
    sbarrett, Nov 3, 2006
  2. sbarrett

    David Janes Guest

    Obviously the drawing (or assembly) knows what part it documents, knows what
    part it contains but the part has no knowledge of where it is used or even
    if there already is a drawing that documents it (much less ten of them). So,
    without the $100K Oracle file bookkeeper, you faced with looking through the
    drawings themselves for a string that starts 'model_names' or just brute
    forcing it with a search for a ".prt" or ".asm", with some file search
    utility that can make a list of file name and offset pointer to the
    reference or that can parse the line for the part number. If you were on a
    Unix system, there's already something like this. On Windows, you have the
    hamstrung Search function which seems incapable of normal string searches
    much less of offsets or pointers. I'd try it anyway, searching within *.drw*
    files for xyz.prt (exact part name, maybe * behind to cover those pesky
    number extensions.) In fact, confirm for yourself that this information is
    not stored in Pro/e parts by opening them with Wordpad or an ASCII/Binary
    editor, like BeyondCompare. Check the header for reference to other
    models/assemblies/drawings. Go back to Pro/e and confirm this with
    'Info>Parent/Child relations' and 'Info>Global Reference Viewer'. See if you
    can find a drawing referenced in a part as a "child" of the part.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 4, 2006
  3. sbarrett

    Jeff Howard Guest

    This might help you a bit

    Paste into something like findref.bat

    @echo off
    findstr /i /s /m "%1" *.prt* > where_used_%1.txt
    findstr /i /s /m "%1" *.asm* >> where_used_%1.txt
    findstr /i /s /m "%1" *.drw* >> where_used_%1.txt
    echo ====== Start List ======
    type where_used_%1.txt
    echo ====== End List ======

    Stick the .bat somewhere you can find it.

    Open a DOS window in the root directory of
    the tree you want to search and type

    [drive:]\[path]\findref filename_no_extension

    writes to a file in current directory and reads back to screen. I think it'll
    find most of them (and a few that once referenced the object and are no longer
    Jeff Howard, Nov 4, 2006
  4. sbarrett

    daveJ Guest

    daveJ, Nov 11, 2006
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