Finally wrote-up my "How to Design Parts" section...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jhko, May 28, 2006.

  1. jhko

    Black Dragon Guest

    Who is ranting? I'm just trying to help you out. Would hate to see you lose
    your posting privileges because of your spamming. alt.machines.cnc and
    maybe comp.cad.solidworks would collapse into steaming piles of shit
    without the services of your incessant, yet mindless, cross posting.

    Spam Thresholds FAQ


    Excessive Multi-Posting (EMP) has the same meaning as the term "spam"
    usually carries, but it is more accurate and self-explanatory. EMP
    means, essentially, "too many separate copies of a substantively
    identical article."

    "Substantively identical" means that the material in each article is
    sufficiently similar to construe the same message. The signature is
    included in the determination. These are examples of substantively
    identical articles:
    * byte-for-byte identical messages
    * otherwise identical postings minimally customized for each group
    it appears in.
    * advertising the same service.
    * articles that consist solely of the same signature
    * articles which consist of inclusions of other user's postings, but
    are otherwise identical.



    A quick count produces four substantively identical articles cross
    posted by you in this thread alone, all within a matter of minutes. If
    I had the desire, I could easily document enough spam posted by you to
    surpass a BI of 20 during a 45 day period, and that's more than enough
    evidence of spamming for any sane news admin to nuke an account.

    News.Individual.NET » Rules for Usage


    * No SPAM
    It is inadmissible to use this server to post SPAM.


    Black Dragon, Jun 1, 2006
  2. jhko

    Anthony Guest

    We could probably get a collection jar going to make it worth your while.


    You can't 'idiot proof' anything....every time you try, they just make
    better idiots.

    Remove sp to reply via email
    Anthony, Jun 1, 2006
  3. jhko

    Cliff Guest

    You seem confused.
    This thread started out in AMC. SW was mentioned & some in SW had an
    interest, a few of whom neglected to crosspost their comments & advice
    back to AMC.
    It is materail to both groups it seems <G>. And there was some sound
    & sage advice (along with some not-so-sound, IMHO).

    Cliff, Jun 1, 2006
  4. jhko

    Cliff Guest

    Only the neglected crosspost back to AMC was added.
    I note that you & BD did not negkect to crosspost back to CCS <G>.
    Cliff, Jun 1, 2006
  5. jhko

    Anthony Guest

    I have him in the bozo bin, so i never see his bullshit. Life is good...


    You can't 'idiot proof' anything....every time you try, they just make
    better idiots.

    Remove sp to reply via email
    Anthony, Jun 1, 2006
  6. jhko

    Black Dragon Guest

    That'd have to be a pretty BIG collection jar...
    Black Dragon, Jun 1, 2006
  7. jhko

    Black Dragon Guest

    Actually, it's you who appears confused.
    "neglected to crosspost"


    Are you out of your mind?

    Has it ever occurred to you that some people aren't at all interested in
    posting anywhere else but the newsgroup they're reading?
    Your attempts to rationalize and justify your actions (attributing and
    re-posting peoples articles without adding any original content of your
    own (you've been doing it for a long time)) doesn't change the fact you're
    Black Dragon, Jun 2, 2006
    John R. Carroll, Jun 2, 2006
  9. jhko

    Cliff Guest

    Very rare and done for a specific purpose ..... when a crosspost got
    left off, probably by someone's default settings. Or when the subject is
    known to be of current interest ... <g>.

    Kind of hard to expect a reply when the party being replied to is in
    another NG, IMHO. And pointess to give on-topic advice where it cannot
    be seen.
    What are you selling today?

    BTW, When you decided to post Off Topic to this rather On-Topic thread,
    (and On-Topic in both NGs) why did you not so note in the subject line?

    Now, do YOU have anything on topic to add to the thead <G>?
    Cliff, Jun 2, 2006
  10. jhko

    Cliff Guest

    Hence your reply ..
    Cliff, Jun 2, 2006
  11. jhko

    Black Dragon Guest

    Followup set.

    Cliff wrote:

    It's very unusual for you to run away from cross posts, what are you trying
    to hide from Cliff? The Newsgroup line you snecked has been restored.
    No, it's not very rare, it's something you've been doing fairly consistently
    for a long time. And you're assuming things you shouldn't. You don't have
    a clue (which is typical) as to why replies aren't cross posted. Perhaps
    it is because of default newsreader settings and the poster didn't notice.
    And again, to reiterate what you conveniently snipped away, perhaps it is
    because people _aren't interested in cross posting_. Or maybe it's because
    people, including yourself, have no idea what the purpose of the
    "Followup-To:" header is, it may or may not help with news reader

    Either way, again, you have no business attributing and re-posting other
    peoples replies without adding any original content of your own. Doing
    it as often as you do is SPAMMING. And I never seen anybody thanking you
    for it. What I do see is more and more people smartening up and kill
    filing you.

    Generally speaking, clearly your "services" are unwanted, so why do you
    keep it up? "Bait", and "fishing" are non-answers.

    If you were truly interested in being helpful you would be well advised
    to let posters know in public, or private, that it may be a good idea to
    cross post their replies if it's relevant to the groups its posted in.
    That leaves the decision of where people are posting in their own hands
    instead of where you think they should be doing it.

    It all boils down to choice Cliff, and you simply shouldn't be making
    choices for anybody but yourself.
    Which is why you snecked the Newsgroups line, eh?
    My services to my employer. But only for a half day today, I'm starting
    my weekend a bit early. Woohoo!
    Your complaining about off topic posting when 75% of what you post per
    month in alt.machines.cnc is cross posted polarized political nonsense?
    LOL! Try growing a brain someday, will you?
    Black Dragon, Jun 2, 2006
  12. jhko

    Cliff Guest

    Good point.
    They were clearly attributed as well as properly quoted.
    If I found $100 of yours in the road & gave it back to you you
    would whine, right?
    You do miss a lot of posts. And Emails.
    And you are fishing here why?
    As you well know thattakes time and many shown FROM fields
    I take it that you are not following the discussion(s).
    Nope. Trying for goats.
    And usually marked "OT" for your benefit? LOL .... The brain dead
    remain where you find them & AMC has been full of winger BS for as
    long as I can recall ..... without any gripes from you AFAIK.
    Where's Bazil?
    Cliff, Jun 2, 2006
  13. jhko

    Black Dragon Guest

    Your net abuse, that is your constant spamming, is most certainly related to
    What part of the following do you not understand?


    FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines

    "Substantively identical" means that the material in each article is
    sufficiently similar to construe the same message. The signature is
    included in the determination. These are examples of substantively
    identical articles:

    * articles which consist of inclusions of other user's postings, but
    are otherwise identical.

    You've posted 7 such articles in this thread alone. You've been doing
    the same thing across a number of newsgroups for quite some time. It's
    spam, plain and simple.
    Black Dragon, Jun 3, 2006
  14. jhko

    Cliff Guest

    Added a crosspost back to the original thread in the original group of
    material info (of which I've seen none from you yet) <G>.
    Cliff, Jun 3, 2006
  15. jhko

    Black Dragon Guest

    Good to see you finally admit you're a spammer.
    Black Dragon, Jun 3, 2006
  16. jhko

    Cliff Guest

    Try again <G>.
    Bad week?
    Cliff, Jun 4, 2006
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