Filtering elements by Custom Line Styles in MicroStation.

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Vasu, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. Vasu

    Vasu Guest

    Dear All,

    How can we Filter elements based on Custom Line Styles in MicroStation.
    SelectBy option also doesn't support in this case.

    Please help me.

    Vasu, Apr 6, 2004
  2. Upon looking at Edit > Select by Attributes in, it appears that
    you can indeed filter by custom line style.

    Edit > Select by attributes
    Style > Custom
    Select the desired line style
    Adjust the level/element selections as needed.

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    Inga Morozoff [Bentley], Apr 6, 2004
  3. Vasu

    Vasu Guest

    Thanks Lot.

    But I have some custom linestyles ("Bline", "Cline") in my dgn, which
    are created by client. I don't have the respective .rsc files also.
    (Line style resource). Hence i couldn't filter those line style
    elements trough SelectBy.

    In this case what I have to do?. How can I extract the current dgn all
    line styles (.rsc files)?

    Please help me.

    Vasu, Apr 7, 2004
  4. Vasu

    PlottingGuy Guest


    One solution would be to create custom line styles called "bline"
    and "cline" as blank or style 0 lines... Then you can use the filter
    in the selectby attributes dialog. Obviously the best solution is to
    contact the person who gave you the files to get the .rsc.
    PlottingGuy, Apr 7, 2004
  5. Vasu

    Dave Preston Guest

    The linestyle definitions are not held in the drawing file so there is no
    way to extract them.


    Dave Preston

    Dave Preston, Apr 7, 2004
  6. Vasu

    Vasu Guest

    Thanks...Dave Preston and Plotting Guy(?!).

    Vasu, Apr 8, 2004
  7. Vasu

    Ralph Hertle Guest


    One approach may be to use EDG.

    Search for the particular element type number in EDG. EDG will return a
    list of elements of that type. Change the color in EDG to a unique color
    number, or change the level of the selected elements to a unique level.
    Close EDG. Display the design file with only those levels turned on. The
    changes will be visible on screen, and you may search for or filter
    elements based on the color or level, for example.

    I'm not an EDG expert, and EDG experts may have more to say.

    Ralph Hertle
    Ralph Hertle, Jul 4, 2004
  8. Vasu

    Vasu Guest

    Ralph Hertle for EdG approach - It should work, because i know Edg,
    but not yet checked.

    PlottingGuy for "Bline, cline as Blank idea" - It's working fine.
    Really appreciate you. Very good idea.

    Thanks a ton to both of you.

    Vasu, Jul 5, 2004
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