Filter out unwanted posts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Martin, May 12, 2005.

  1. Martin

    Martin Guest

    I received a few private "thank you" emails for posting this in the context
    of another thread. I thought it might be of use to some of you to call
    attention to this by starting another thread.

    The problem is defined very simply as the distracting and useless "Beavis
    and Butthead" routine that Jon and Cliff subject this newsgroup to. The
    solution is to use your news reader application to never even see posts
    coming from either of them. After this, it will be like they never existed!

    Here's how to do it.

    The following assumes you are using Outlook Express as your news reader.
    Pretty much all readers have similar tools. I'm not sure about reading
    through a Google, Yahoo or similar account.

    Two ways to do it: rules or blocked senders.

    Blocked Sender is the easiest:

    Double click on a message from a sender you wish to block. This will open
    the message.
    Got to the "Message" menu.
    Click on "Block sender..."

    That's it, messages from that sender will not be downloaded any more.

    If you made a mistake and blocked the wrong person:

    In the main Outlook Express window, open the Tools menu.
    Click on "Message Rules..."
    Click on "Blocked senders list..."
    You can then remove someone from the block list.

    You can also block email as well as news messages from this person.

    The "rules" approach is a little different.

    In the main Outlook Express window, open the Tools menu.
    Click on "Message Rules..."
    Click on "News..."
    Click the "New" button
    Choose "Where the From line contains people"
    In section 3 click on the underlined "contains people"
    Type the email address in question and add it.
    Click OK.
    In section 2 choose "Delete it"

    There you go, save the rule and never see this guy on your screen again.

    You can even use "Apply Now" to run the filter immediately and delete all
    instances of messages by the blocked sender.

    Let the celebrations begin.

    Martin, May 12, 2005
  2. Martin

    remy martin Guest

    Using OE, you can take it a step further by ignoring "and/or" hiding entire
    threads. In OE help, look up "ignoring conversations". One caveat, if you
    decide to "hide" ignored conversations, you run the risk of missing valuable
    information in an otherwise hijacked thread. However, in some cases the
    sound of silence is worth it.
    remy martin, May 12, 2005
  3. Martin

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Let the celebrations begin."

    I hear that ! The less SaladWorks product loyalists bullshit
    I have to read the better. Leaves more time to focus on
    those who have recognized that SaladWorks is hopeless and
    who want to try a product with a well designed architecture
    rather than one that has no direction and poor
    implementation. offers a well though out much more complete
    approach to CAD/CAM.


    For those who can't understand that "The Virus" suffers from
    a serious mental illness try reading what is posted in the
    following link...

    .... and see if it helps you to get a better understanding of a
    serious mental illness that has completely taken over his

    jon_banquer, May 12, 2005
  4. Martin

    abc Guest


    I've done the jon/Cliffy killfile thing based on your instructions and it's
    wonderful! Thank you!

    Them are two clowns are in desperate need of a life.
    abc, May 12, 2005
  5. Martin

    Bob Guest

    Thanks Martin,
    I was about to go to an entirely different mail system just to do exactly
    Cheers, Bob
    Bob, May 12, 2005
  6. Martin

    Jean Marc Guest

    I've done that for quite a while. Now I still get polluted by those that
    feed the trolls, and answer to them. Also one of the 2 (they are so much
    alike to me that I can't remember which) likes to change names, and needs
    some more adjustment once in a while.

    But, sure, that changes life in this NG.
    Jean Marc, May 12, 2005
  7. Martin

    Art Woodbury Guest

    I go a few step more in dealing with this:

    (1) Jonnie and Cliffie in the bozo bin

    (2) Delete msgs crossposted to more than 1 group (gets rid of
    alt.machines.cnc which J&C often include)

    (3) Delete msgs with Jon or Cliff in the msg body (gets rid of *some*

    (3A) If necesssary, plonk posters who just join the J&C chorus and have
    no other redeeming features

    Kinda like killing flies with a shotgun, but it *is* quiet around here
    Art Woodbury, May 12, 2005
  8. Martin

    Guest Guest

    I'd also suggest reporting these guys to their ISPs/etc for being off
    topic/spam/flaming/abuse/etc. Everytime I see JB spouting off in a
    thread I'm reading on Google I click 'Report Abuse.'

    For some reason they don't get it that this is a SolidWorks group and
    VX disucssions are off topic.
    Guest, May 12, 2005
  9. Martin

    \\/\\/im Guest

    \\/\\/im, May 12, 2005
  10. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Actually, you may need to find where it says that in the NG's
    charter. He or BD may be correct about that one point.

    Or you could, I suppose, complain to VX about their SPAM, as
    repeating the same ads over & over again might be flooding
    or something ....?

    I just respond to his foolishness with a sharp stick, as many
    of you used to. Otherwise I'm pretty much on topic in some way IF
    I post a response to anything <G>.

    Cliff, May 12, 2005
  11. Martin

    jon_banquer Guest

    "I'd also suggest reporting these guys to their ISPs/etc for
    being off topic/spam/flaming/abuse/etc. Everytime I see JB
    spouting off in a thread I'm reading on Google I click
    'Report Abuse.'"

    Here is to hoping that Google sues you for making false

    "For some reason they don't get it that this is a SolidWorks
    group and VX disucssions are off topic."

    I would suggest you learn how to read a newsgroup charter.
    Start with the one for comp.cad.solidworks

    jon_banquer, May 13, 2005
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