Filleting two non intersecting surfaces

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Hoerner, May 15, 2007.

  1. Hoerner

    Hoerner Guest


    Quick simple question, is it possible to fillet two surfaces that do
    not intersect, seems not possible with SW, unless I am missing
    something here.

    Hoerner, May 15, 2007
  2. Hoerner

    matt Guest

    The only way I'm aware of is to use the Face Fillet option. Be aware
    that when you do this, there is an additional control, a pair of arrows.
    The arrows need to be pointing to the same side of the faces to be
    filleted. If they don't work one way, face them both in the other
    direction and try again.

    Good luck,

    matt, May 15, 2007
  3. Hoerner

    Hoerner Guest

    Hey Matt,

    Yea I tried that, but only seems to work when the surfaces intersect
    in some fashion, appreciate the response though.

    Hoerner, May 15, 2007
  4. Hoerner

    Cadjunkie Guest

    Its rather hard to give a good response to what you are trying to
    accomplish with out being able to see at least a screen shot. The
    option for a fillet it to round off corners/edges that are touching.
    Other wise it is a completely different function. Something like a
    Loft or Sweep with GC's, or maybe even a surface fill.
    Cadjunkie, May 15, 2007
  5. Hoerner

    thestew Guest

    Yes, can you post a screen shot. That will help.
    thestew, May 15, 2007
  6. Hoerner

    matt Guest

    Have a look at this:
    matt, May 15, 2007
  7. Hoerner

    matt Guest

    matt, May 15, 2007
  8. Hoerner

    Hoerner Guest


    That's what I was trying to do, thanks, have to look into what I am
    not doing the same way, does seem I have been in the right direction.

    Hoerner, May 15, 2007
  9. Hoerner

    Hoerner Guest

    Basically the issue is/was that there was a larger gap between the
    surfaces than the size of fillet I wanted to apply. My thought was
    that the surface(s) should extend as needed to fit to the fillet
    desired between the surface edges, not so, oh well, something for SW
    to work on :p, Other packages can do this I work with, so I just
    assumed the wrong thing, thanks for all the help

    Hoerner, May 15, 2007

  10. Tell SolidWorks that other packages can do it. It will probably be fixed in
    the next big release. Keeping up in the features race is something
    SolidWorks does very well. It may not work as well as we would hope, and
    they may introduce two new bugs to do it, but they'll keep up with the

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 15, 2007
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