fill in my documentation using skill

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by kirscher_jerome, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. Hello,
    I would like to simplify the realisation of a documentation. The idea
    is to create windows in the cadence tool, with different fields inside
    (using Skill). That´s not a problem. But the next step would be to
    fill a Frame Maker template with the informations that will be written
    in these fields. Has anyone a hint to do that? Thanks!
    kirscher_jerome, Jul 11, 2005
  2. Should be possible with,

    outfile( S_fileName [t_mode] )
    => p_outport/nil

    Opens an output port ready to write to a file.

    => t | nil

    Sets the position for the next operation to be performed on the file opened on a
    port. The position is specified in bytes.

    [ g_arg1 ... ]
    => t

    Writes formatted output to a port.

    => x_offset

    Returns the current offset in bytes for the file opened on a port.
    Bernd Fischer, Jul 12, 2005
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