File syncronisation - Home to office to home to office to home to office .....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jjs, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. jjs

    jjs Guest

    Going up in the world - getting an M20 for use on the road etc
    however I am considering how best to organise the management of SW
    files and others.

    I currently use one machine but use no PDM software ( I used
    Quicksilver in the past but that software is no more, which is a great
    shame as it was brilliant at its job).

    Any suggestions on software/stategies to allow me to continue to work
    mainly on my main computer but occassionally take files onto the
    laptop and work on them, save changes and then return them to my main
    computer with changes etc already with the minimum of fuss. When
    working on the laptop the main computer will not be used for SW as I
    can't be in two places at once ;-)

    The lap top will run Windows XP and main computer win2000sp4 - however
    I can upgrade that to winxp if required.

    Have a wireless router modem at work as others use my Internet
    connection, so I could use the Wireless to move files around.

    Any software/strategy does not have to deal with a second license of
    SW as I don't have one ;-)

    Thanks in advance for any advice or pointer for directions to

    Currently using sw2006.


    jjs, Oct 18, 2005
  2. jjs

    Cam J Guest

    I use SyncBack for this. Sync all files to my portable harddrive at night
    when I go home and if I work on them at home off the portable, I sync back
    to the work PC in the morning.

    I also use SyncBack for backing up all (10 gig) to the server every few
    Cam J, Oct 18, 2005
  3. jjs

    jjs Guest

    On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 22:12:55 +1300, "Cam J"

    Thanks for thank CamJ - and its freewware !!


    jjs, Oct 18, 2005
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