File Support Path

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Max, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Max

    Max Guest


    I am making a installable menu system to distribute to my other workers here
    at work.

    One question,

    In one of my programs I need to add 'File Search path' in order for the
    program to work.

    Is there anyway to add a customized 'File Search Path' or will this always
    be a manual process?

    Thanks for the help.
    Max, Jun 17, 2004
  2. Max

    ECCAD Guest

    This is what I use for a customer:

    (defun addSupportPath (dir pos / tmp c lst)
    (setq tmp "" c -1)
    (if (not (member (strcase dir)
    (setq lst (mapcar 'strcase (strParse (getenv "ACAD") ";")))))
    (if (not pos) (setq tmp (strcat (getenv "ACAD") ";" dir))
    (mapcar '(lambda (x)
    (setq tmp (if (= (setq c (1+ c)) pos)
    (strcat tmp ";" dir ";" x)
    (strcat tmp ";" x)
    (setenv "ACAD" tmp)
    ); end function
    ;;; (StrParse Str Delimiter)
    ;;; Parses a delimited string into a list
    ;;; Parameters:
    ;;; Str String to parse
    ;;; Delimiter Delimiter to search for
    ;;; Returns:
    ;;; A list strings.
    ;;; ex:
    ;;; (setq a "Harp,Guiness,Black and Tan")
    ;;; (StrParse a ",")
    ;;; returns:
    ;;; ("Harp" "Guiness" "Black and Tan")
    ;;; See Also: (StringToList)
    (defun strParse (Str Delimiter / SearchStr StringLen return n char)
    (setq SearchStr Str)
    (setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
    (setq return '())

    (while (> StringLen 0)
    (setq n 1)
    (setq char (substr SearchStr 1 1))
    (while (and (/= char Delimiter) (/= char ""))
    (setq n (1+ n))
    (setq char (substr SearchStr n 1))
    ) ;_ end of while
    (setq return (cons (substr SearchStr 1 (1- n)) return))
    (setq SearchStr (substr SearchStr (1+ n) StringLen))
    (setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
    ) ;_ end of while
    (reverse return)
    ) ;_ end of defun
    ;; Add Delphi Toolkit to Support Path..IF not there..
    (addSupportPath "C:\\DELPHITK" nil)
    ECCAD, Jun 17, 2004
  3. Max

    Max Guest

    Thanks Bob!...I'll give it awhirl

    Max, Jun 17, 2004
  4. Max

    Chris Chiles Guest

    Bob, How do you set this lisp you to load multiple support paths?

    Chris Chiles, Feb 11, 2005
  5. Max

    ECCAD Guest

    Just add more of these:
    (addSupportPath "C:\\MYBLOCKS" nil)
    (addSupportPath "C:\\NEW_STUFF" nil)

    ECCAD, Feb 14, 2005
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