File Size for DwgDocumentMgrNET.dll ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WonderMan, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. WonderMan

    WonderMan Guest

    After a new install of SWX 2009 in Vista 64 DwgDocumentMgrNET.dll is in our
    D drive. I had to reinstal l after a registry error and swear Iost just a
    bit of room on the drive. The size O have for the i file is 24MB even. Can
    someone please refernce your own file and advise the size in a similar
    installation ? Thanks.
    WonderMan, Jul 12, 2009
  2. WonderMan

    manager Guest

    I have no idea what you are talking about. Please check your spelling,
    some of the mistakes are important information.

    manager, Jul 13, 2009
  3. WonderMan

    WonderMan Guest

    Lets try this -

    After a new install of SWX 2009 in Vista 64 DwgDocumentMgrNET.dll is in our
    D drive. I had to reinstall after a registry error and I swear I Iost just
    bit of room on the drive. The size I have for the file is 24.6MB.. Can
    someone please reference your own file and advise the size in a similar
    installation ? Thanks.
    WonderMan, Jul 13, 2009
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