File Path & Name Macro

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Chris HEisner, Oct 7, 2003.

  1. Current situation – V8 & IPLOT
    I am looking to see if anyone has a macro that will place the path &
    filename of an open dgn file. I came across one that did the current
    date and modified it to do date and time. Can’t figure out how
    to make it do the path & name. I know it can be done through the
    default print function but the bosses are stuck on IPLOT. This is the
    date & time macro if it helps any.

    Sub main
    dim str_date as String
    dim str_time as String

    str_date = date$()
    str_time = time$()

    MbeSendCommand "Place Text"
    MbeSendKeyin str_date+" "+str_time
    End Sub

    Any input is appreciated
    Chris HEisner, Oct 7, 2003
  2. Chris HEisner

    Ron Guest

    You can use text string substitution in iplot. include something like this
    in your pen table:
    Ron, Oct 9, 2003
  3. Chris HEisner

    ® Guest

    The MbeDgnInfo.dgnFileName read-only String property returns absolute
    pathname of the currently active design file.

    Dim designFile as String
    designFile$ = MbeDgnInfo.dgnFileName

    perl -e '$_ = "macart\\n"; s/NO\.//; s/SPAM\.//;
    | Current situation – V8 & IPLOT
    | I am looking to see if anyone has a macro that will place the path &
    | filename of an open dgn file. I came across one that did the current
    | date and modified it to do date and time. Can’t figure out how
    | to make it do the path & name. I know it can be done through the
    | default print function but the bosses are stuck on IPLOT. This is the
    | date & time macro if it helps any.
    | Sub main
    | dim str_date as String
    | dim str_time as String
    | str_date = date$()
    | str_time = time$()
    | MbeSendCommand "Place Text"
    | MbeSendKeyin str_date+" "+str_time
    | End Sub
    | Any input is appreciated
    ®, Oct 9, 2003
  4. Thanks
    Chris HEisner, Oct 9, 2003
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