File, Open dead slow... Recent Files is fine

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gcampbell, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. gcampbell

    gcampbell Guest

    I'm having problems on a particular PC with the file open command.

    There is no problem accessing the network drive (on a Novell 4.2 Server) with no delay in the screen populating etc but after selecting the file to open, the PC appears inactive for approx 20 seconds.

    I've tried copying the file locally and it opens quickly.

    However when I use the "recent file" option on the file menu, the same networked files that take ages using "file,open" appear without delay.

    Windows 98 SE, P4 256Mb RAM, ACAD 2002 service pack one.

    I've tried installing/uninstalling netbeui as mentioned in other topics, and trawled thru the ACAD support paths etc for dead links ...all to no avail!

    What is the difference in using file,open command and selecting the file for the recent files list?? That may help trying to solve this issue....


    gcampbell, Apr 8, 2004
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