File Naming Conventions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bill Olson, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. Bill Olson

    Bill Olson Guest

    I am new to this whole modeling mayhem and have been given the task of
    instituting document management. My problem lies in file naming
    conventions; understanding that the electronic file name is for the
    computer and not for human consumption we are still would like to
    match the e-file name to the model designator. Any possible
    suggestions? We currently have database for assigning the designator
    and works great with the dwg's however when it comes to the modeling
    things become very clouded very quickly. HELP!

    Bill Olson
    Document Control
    Simonton Windows
    Bill Olson, Sep 21, 2004
  2. We use a unique 6 digit number and place it in a folder that is named with
    the first 3 digits of the number, and our Drawings are in a folder called
    Production Drawings and models are in a folder called models.

    would be found in
    ....\Production Drawings\421\421651.SLDDRW

    and 421651.SLDPRT would be found in

    the advantage is I was able to create a macro to open the files by simply
    typing their part number in and selecting wether I wanted to open a drawing
    or model. I was also able to automate the saving of the files by
    generating the path from the part number typed. Saves quite a bit of time
    since you don't have to do any directory searching clicks. The only
    disadvantage is if you have the models and the drawings in the same folder
    you can RMB on a part and select Open Drawing and it will find the drawing
    with the same name in the same folder.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Sep 21, 2004
  3. Hello Bill-
    Ask 10 different people and you'll get 10 different answers on this very
    important subject.
    My advice concerns saving iteration/prototypes and released/production files
    in different locations. This is the method I use. All my released/production
    level files are all in one folder(by customer); drawings, assemblies, parts,
    word doc's, excel sheets. All my iterations/prototypes are saved only a
    daily bases, in folders, using a date code.
    On the SolidWorks website, there is pretty good information regarding file
    Get to know and start using SolidWorks Explorer, it's an excellent file
    management tool.
    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Sep 21, 2004
  4. Bill Olson

    Merry Owen Guest

    If you just want to identify the part/assembly as being unique you could try
    starting your part name with the date & time followed by a practical
    description eg '0633220904 - LIFING LUG.SLDPRT' (date time is 6:30 am on
    the 22nd of sept 2004 - use 24 hr clock). If you have a large drafting team
    you could also add the creators initials to the end of the date/time.

    This system means you don't have to refer to a drawing/part register before
    you create the part - just look at your watch.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Sep 21, 2004
  5. Bill Olson

    P Guest

    Have a look at SWIT. Search on the newsgroup for it. It might save you
    a lot of grief.
    P, Sep 22, 2004
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