File locations oddity, bug?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by wc, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. wc

    wc Guest

    I recently started using weldments, with that I recently started editing
    the available list of profiles and creating new ones. Since I didn't
    want to loose these I copied and renamed the Weldment Profiles folder
    and placed it in out "Library"

    Then I went to Tools> Options> File Locations, Weldment Profiles,
    clicked Add... selected the new folder, moved it to the top of the list.
    Done, or so I thought. Started a new part, selected Structural Member,
    went to the PullDown and my profiles weren't there ,just the basic SWX

    Heres the hitch--- If I move the desired folder *Down* so it's below the
    default folder location its profiles will show in the PullDown when
    trying to place a Structural Member, if it's on Top (where I thought it
    should be) I get the default folder.

    Bug, or am I an idiot? :eek:/
    wc, Dec 14, 2004
  2. wc

    wc Guest

    Oh, SW2004sp4.1
    wc, Dec 14, 2004
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