file>find refrences broken?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jmiller, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. jmiller

    jmiller Guest

    swx05 sp4.0

    when i do a file find ref's and try to copy files to a folder sometimes
    it will but mostly it doesn't do it. example:

    i have 4 small assy's that share parts
    i make changes to all 4
    create a folder to copy files to to send to vendor
    open all assy's
    file,find refs,copy files, select folder, hit ok
    first one works
    on to next one (it should ask to over write the same files)
    file,find refs,copy files, select folder, hit ok
    screen flickers but doesn't ask to over write
    browse to folder to check, no files of 2nd and on
    try it again it may or may not ask to over write existing file, if it
    does i know it is working, if it doesn't i know its broke

    anybody else see this? TIA
    jmiller, Sep 30, 2005
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