File Didn't save to Server

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by SherryHastings, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. Hi,
    We have had an ongoing problem which has happened about four times in the last six months. Our server is running Windows 2000 Server. The stations (about 20) are running Windows XP with AutoCAD 2002. A mixture of Athlon and Pentiums - all of them good machines.

    The problem is, you can be working all day, saving your file throughout the day (with no errors), check later that day or the next morning and the file hasn't been saved. It is like that file hadn't been touched at all that day, same as the .bak and .sv$ files. It doesn't happen that often but loosing even one persons work for an entire day (even a few hours) is a huge pain - especially when you are on a deadline and have to redo everything!

    Any ideas anyone has to help us out would be great!
    SherryHastings, Oct 26, 2004
  2. SherryHastings

    John Schmidt Guest

    I'd look into possible problems with write caching or buffering not writing
    to disk in all cases.


    last six months. Our server is running Windows 2000 Server. The stations
    (about 20) are running Windows XP with AutoCAD 2002. A mixture of Athlon
    and Pentiums - all of them good machines.
    the day (with no errors), check later that day or the next morning and the
    file hasn't been saved. It is like that file hadn't been touched at all
    that day, same as the .bak and .sv$ files. It doesn't happen that often but
    loosing even one persons work for an entire day (even a few hours) is a huge
    pain - especially when you are on a deadline and have to redo everything!
    John Schmidt, Oct 26, 2004
  3. SherryHastings

    Greg H Guest

    We have similar problems here going to a Novell server over Novell 6.5 from
    Win2K pro sp4 boxes running AutoCAD 2002 and 2004.
    Only happens once in a while but when it does, boy does it make people
    Greg H, Oct 28, 2004
  4. SherryHastings

    Greg H Guest

    Something that bothers me even more is that AutoCAD will simply vanish.
    No warning. Just poof! gone.
    I restart AutoCAD and of course all work is lost from the last save (unless
    the saves are not "taking")
    Greg H, Oct 28, 2004
  5. I agree with John's direction on this one. Data loss is terrible no matter
    how seldom it occurs. When it happens this infrequently it is really hard
    to put your finger on the problem.
    Look for any possible common denominators such as the users or workstations
    effected, data location on the server, file name and size, etc. Also check
    with the manufacturers of the drive controller and drives to see if they
    have any known issues and possible resolution. You should also inspect the
    error logs on the server and effected workstations for any errors that may
    provide a clue and inspect system information and look for any problem
    devices listed.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 28, 2004
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