Fighting WinXP behavior

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chip Harper, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    I have a custom menu that loads a partial menu (the mns, mnc and mnr) from a
    specific folder. The folder that the menu was located in was accidentially
    made read only, so AutoCAD 2004 writes the mnc and mnr files to the XP
    default location of C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local
    Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2004\R16.0\enu.

    Of course now when you close AutoCAD and reopen, the partial menu is
    missing. How do I tell AutoCAD to look in the orignal folder again? I assume
    some registry location. I tried creating a new profile (.arg but the
    behavior is the same) It reads the mns file in the specified load folder but
    writes the mnc and mnr back to the C:\Documents Blah Blah ... how do I fix
    Chip Harper, Apr 5, 2004
  2. Does deleting the mnc, mnr, mns file and restarting fix the problem ?
    BTW take the read only away first.

    Andrew McDonald
    Andrew McDonald, Apr 6, 2004
  3. Chip Harper

    Walt Engle Guest

    From what I have seen here, you will have to live with Autocad's new method.
    Why not load your menu in the following?

    C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Autodesk\
    Autocad 2004\R16.0\enu\Support\<your.mnu>
    C:\Program Files\R2004\UserDataCache\Support\<your.mnu>
    C:\Program Files\R2004\Support\<your.mnu>

    (of course, copy the original menu)
    Walt Engle, Apr 6, 2004
  4. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    I'm way beyond all of that, I uninstalled everything related to AutoDesk,
    deleted the following folders:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk
    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Autodesk
    C:\Documents and Settings\Chip Harper\Local Settings\Application
    C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2004
    C:\Program Files\Autodesk
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared

    Deleted the folowing registries:


    Rebooted the machine and reinstalled from scratch (per TS45252)
    Reinstalled AutoCAD 2004, Express Tools and SP1A

    Replaced all my customization from last weeks backup. Everything loads
    great, if I modify the custom mns a new mnr and mnc is created in:

    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application
    Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2004\R16.0\enu

    If I create a brand new mns or mnu and load it (from anywhere) the system
    throws the mnc and mnr in the same folder.
    Of course the mns isn't there and the menu load will fail when I restart
    AutoCAD. I even tried loading the menu, letting the mnr and mnc be placed in
    the enu folder, close AutoCAD and manually edited:


    again it works fine (sees the mns, mnc and mnr in my folder) until I edit
    the mns file at which time it throws the new mnc and mnr back to the
    previously mentioned folder.

    Only thing left that I can think of is format the hard drive and install
    everything from scratch. Unless someone has a better suggestion.

    I can't believe all this trouble because of a read only error. Man I need a
    Chip Harper, Apr 6, 2004
  5. Have a look under the files tab within options and see if the pathing to
    your menu files is ***ANYWHERE*** within there.

    I've found that profiles can do funny things to the files when read only
    folders are encountered.

    Also after uninstalling did you run the Registry cleaning utility by
    to completely clean the registry of ADT/Autocad settings.

    Sorry I don't have it handy or I could have emailed it to you.

    Andrew McDonald.
    Andrew McDonald, Apr 6, 2004
  6. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    OK, in case anyone else is interested, I was able to resolve the problem
    (finished at 1am, which is a long day when you start at 6 am). It was a
    folder permissions problem with the folder that the mns file was located in
    and the parent folder. Despite setting/resetting full read/write on the
    folder AutoCAD wasn't able to write to the folder. I had to create a new
    parent folder and a new subfolder for the menu files. I really liked XP
    until yesterday. On the plus side, I found alot of neat things in the
    registry. :)


    Chip Harper
    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator
    Chip Harper, Apr 7, 2004
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