Fight Back those sending you faxes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by wal, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. wal

    wal Guest

    Are you fed up with companies sending you junk faxes? Here are simple
    ways tofight back:

    1- Never ever call that toll free number that they put for you to be
    removed from their fax. If you call that number you are confirming
    that your fax number is good, and you will get more fax. They might
    remove you from one list, and put you on 10 other lists!.

    2- Call the company that the fax is listing for you to call
    them(usually their toll free number) to inquire about whatever they
    want to sell you or make you sign up for services, and tell them the

    you: Hi

    them: Hi
    you: Got your fax
    them: Are you interested in Blah Blah Blah.....
    them:Why you calling us?
    you:Because I got your fax and I don't want amy ore faxes.
    them: Give me your fax number and I'll remove you from the list.
    you:no thanks, if I gave u my fax number, I will recieve more faxes.
    them:so why you calling us.
    you: Because I got your fax, and don't want more faxes.

    They will hang up.

    Repeat the above to the same number at least 10 times for each fax you

    Trust me this method will send them a signal that what they are doing
    is wrong, and that it is time for them to stop faxing people that do
    not care to recieve their faxes.

    Let me know how it works for you.
    wal, Feb 9, 2005
  2. wal

    Paul Turvill Guest

    .... and this relates to AutoCAD how?
    Paul Turvill, Feb 9, 2005
  3. wal

    keeth22 Guest

    is calling 10 times per fax easier than say, throwing them away?
    keeth22, Feb 9, 2005
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