FeatureWorks - Works Even Better.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sean-Michael Adams, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. Hi All.

    For anyone using feature works, you will be plesantly surprised with
    one major improvement.

    We now have the ability to recognize features multiple times on a
    given imported body.

    Gone is the "all or nothing" scheme that has existed for far too long.
    Formerly, if you needed to recognize features in a dumb imported
    model, you needed to recognize ALL the features at one time, just in
    case you needed them to be parametric at a later date.

    In days of yore, once you mapped your recognized features to
    parametric features, you were all done recognizing anything on that
    given model FOREVER.

    This made featureworks a really crippled add on.

    BUT now, you may recognize features, map them, exit featureworks, add
    new solidworks features and then come back later to recognize more
    features, and so on and so on.

    SolidWorks has really made life better for the manufacturer (other as
    well I' sure) with this awesome and much needed improvement! If you
    use this add on, you will not be encumbered by the "once only"
    paradigm anymore, which means that you can selectively recognize only
    the features you need without worrying if you will need to do them all
    JUST IN CASE you might need them later.

    If you need them later, go back for more feature recognition . . .

    Long overdue . . . great improvement!


    Sean-Michael Adams, Sep 26, 2003
  2. Sean-Michael Adams

    jon banquer Guest

    Very helpful post. Thanks. Glad to see that FeatureWorks
    has now got this ability.

    Now what do we do about dealing with non-native surface
    geometry and taking it from "dumb" to "smart" like can
    be done with think3's thinkshape with Global Shape Modeling
    and to a lessor extent VX's Vision ?

    BTW, what are you using for CAM ?

    jon banquer, Sep 26, 2003
  3. Sean-Michael Adams

    kenneth b Guest

    BTW, what are you using for CAM ?

    we use sig erson.
    kenneth b, Sep 26, 2003
  4. Sean-Michael Adams

    jon banquer Guest

    jon banquer, Sep 26, 2003
  5. Sean-Michael Adams

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    What about .stl imports. Right now all i can do is look at models. I would
    liek to be able to do more with them for RP production.
    Arthur Y-S, Sep 26, 2003
  6. Sean-Michael Adams

    kellnerp Guest

    I tried out feature works to see what was different. The dumb solid was a SW
    generated iges file that came in without errors. FeatureWorks got some of
    the features but when mapping them there were fewer in the feature tree
    that there were during recognition. In addition the recognized features all
    had errors and SW2004 locked up.
    kellnerp, Sep 26, 2003
  7. Sean-Michael Adams

    jon banquer Guest

    What about .stl imports. Right now all i can do is look at models. I would
    Raises the question of whether or not SolidWorks should be *totally
    dependant* on FeatureWorks to begin with for imported non-native

    jon banquer, Sep 26, 2003
  8. Sean-Michael Adams

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Well jon why dont you suggest something for SW to use in stead of feature
    works. Another 3rd party...wait no you said that SW relies too much on 3rd
    parties. Implement something into the program, well now that is something
    that has to be done in the future.

    I am the first one to complain about somethings that I would like to see
    implemented, sometimes SW what we ask for gets there, others....well you see
    where we are. Thing is, jon, you always seem to complain about and pick up
    on the negative that we are saying. You dont use the program, at least from
    what i remember you saying. So why do you hang in this UG?

    Anyways......Cliff Rp stands for rapid prototyping, and .stl is an extension
    used to get files from CAD to the different machines
    Arthur Y-S, Sep 27, 2003
  9. Sean-Michael Adams

    jon banquer Guest


    Allow a user to work on non-native imported surface geometry
    directly. Do this in the same way that is done with VX' Vision or
    even better with think3's Global Shape Modeling. SolidWorks
    needs to stop treating imported surface geometry like illegal
    aliens. Imported surface geometry needs to be elevated by
    SolidWorks to first class citizen status.
    Only because some of the 3rd party tools are not robust enough.
    In some cases the needed tools don't exist at all.

    As an example:

    The ACIS Deformable Surface Modeler does not have the power
    of think3's Global Shape Modeling. The ACIS Deformable
    Surface Modeler is not even close to being a robust tool. In
    the past when I have pointed this out the comment from
    someone at SolidWorks Corp. (who I like) was that think3
    spends too much money on R&D. This, in my opinion, is a
    total cop out.

    FeatureWorks will *never* be the answer for badly designed
    software that can't work with non-native imported surface
    geometry. IMO, it should not be the only answer for dealing
    with non-native imported prismatic solids either.
    I focus on what I know for a fact needs improvement. I have
    used and seen other systems that handle what I complain
    about in a much better way than SolidWorks does.

    There are some areas I stay away from that in the past
    others have complained about extensively because I don't have
    the direct experience. An example would be large scale
    assemblies. I don't work with them so when others complain I
    read what they say and don't comment.
    At the present I consider it lucky that I don't have to. I
    hope that in the future that SolidWorks is significantly
    improved where it so badly lags and if it is I would enjoy
    going back to using it and teaching it like I did in the
    I think my posts over many years to this newsgroup speak for
    themselves about where I stand and why I feel the way I do.

    IMO, so does this post. ;>)

    jon banquer, Sep 27, 2003
  10. Sean-Michael Adams

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    This thread is not about making ppl feel like shit....

    Jon, one thing that you will find is that in life there is no 1 stop shop
    for everything. You do what workd for you. If global modeling works for you
    then so be it. And I will do what works for me. BUt you keep trying to beat
    into ppls head that global modeling can do everything and think 3 can do
    everything.....if that were the case then think 3 would be #1 and we would
    all be onboard with you. That is not the case, will not be the case...so I
    think that pretty much everyone has heard it before.

    You have to have the right tool for the right job. And like I said before
    the right tool for the right job. If you havent noticed by now, no one to my
    knowledge has said "hey, jon is right....I will give up working in (insert
    program) to go with think3 global shape modeling". If ppl want it they will
    get it, the way that you come off is like you are a sales man or that you
    get kick backs for gettign sales of the program.
    Arthur Y-S, Sep 28, 2003
  11. Sean-Michael Adams

    jon banquer Guest

    Right. It's not. It's also not about claiming that there is
    "no 1 stop shop for everything". Further, it's not about
    claiming that I'm saying that think3's Global Shape Modeling
    is the only solution as you are now claiming I have.

    What it is about and what I stated above and have now cut
    and pasted for you to read again below is giving the
    SolidWorks user the proper tools to work with non-native
    imported surface geometry.

    How about you read what I said again below and see if you
    can come away with what I really said rather than what is
    convenient for you to think I said.

    "Allow a user to work on non-native imported surface
    geometry directly. Do this in the same way that is done with
    VX' Vision or even better with think3's Global Shape
    Modeling. SolidWorks needs to stop treating imported surface
    geometry like illegal aliens. Imported surface geometry
    needs to be elevated by SolidWorks to first class citizen

    Please stop blaming me, Arthur because the proper tools
    are not in SolidWorks to properly deal with non-native
    imported surface geometry.

    jon banquer, Sep 28, 2003
  12. Sean-Michael Adams

    Arthur Y-S Guest


    What you are saying is that I should go out, purchase think3, start over
    with learning the program, all so that I can import geometry that is not
    dumb. UMMMMM, let me think about that, no. If you notice one thing that SW
    as a company good or bad does is incorporate better functionality with each
    new version. IMO that is what is setting it apart from the rest of the
    industry. Others programs have done this in the past, but none quite like
    the SW monster blob that we have here before us. Track record shows, like I
    said for good or bad, that the company is not content with standing still.
    Are they perfect, not by any means, is there room to grow, yes.

    This brings me to what has happened with you, not just now, but in the past
    about what you have done. Someone will make a thread about something that
    they complain about with the SW program. Sometimes it is a gripe from waking
    up on the wrong side of the bed. Other times it is real and something that
    SW needs to really address and when that will happen is anyones guess. Jon I
    have seen you post about how, if SW cant do it then think3 global shape
    modeling can. AND...... That is what I am talking about, Jon. I am really
    not intrested in what that program can do. I have demoed it, had a bad
    experience with the company and personally I am not intrested. I have 3 tool
    sets that do me fine. There is NO more room in my head for anything
    else....litterally....if another program were to try and enter into my
    brain, it would explode.

    There are certain reasons why SW imports somethings as dumb geometry. It
    would be nice for it to come in already parametric and everything
    recognized. Right now we have feature works which is there was of saying
    "hey there not perfect, but here is a tool that can help you get to your
    goal". Thats all.
    Arthur Y-S, Sep 29, 2003
  13. Hi There.

    I would not be shocked if this happened during an "automatic
    recognition" which in my unprofessional opinion is GREAT if you are
    recognizing cylinders and simpler things like that, but stumbles on
    more complex things.

    The trouble I see with this add-in (when workiing automatically) is
    that it often gets in trouble when it has to decide what type of
    feature something is.

    But, it would be unfair for me to say that I was "disappointed" with
    the automatic recognition because I understand its intrinsic
    inferiority of the algorithm when compared to the human mind, hence
    the real and practical need for an "interactive" mode. Some
    consideration has to be put into the "best" construction for a given
    feature, which the program can only do on a limited basis.

    Since (to my knowledge) these dumb formats do not have a design intent
    tree built into them, the problem lies not just in the decrypting (our
    input), but in the creating (their output). Perhaps in the future we
    will all fly to work in our hovercraft and be able to have a neutral
    format that has an imbedded feature tree, paraametrically
    reconstructable by any system.

    Kind Regards,

    Sean-Michael Adams, Sep 29, 2003
  14. Sean-Michael Adams

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Hey Sean,

    What a world that would be.... thing is these software companies are SOOO
    protective of their code...blah, blah. blah. And in some ways rightfully so.
    I remember that there was a little feature included in SW that would let you
    bring in Pro/E files nicely. What happened.....lawyers got involved and
    that was the end of that.

    The day we get parametric imports WOW
    Arthur Y-S, Sep 30, 2003
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