FeatureWorks - interactive mode

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John H, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. John H

    John H Guest

    Can someone please explain how to use the "interactive" mode in

    I find the automatic recognition does not produce the results I would like,
    but I can't get the interactive mode to recognise even the simplest of
    features (I have read the Help).

    Consider a U-section (straight sides) extruded to a thickness, then add a
    hole through the legs of the "U", perpendicular to the direction of extrude
    (effectively makes 2 colinear holes).
    I want it to recognise the U as a single extrude, with the holes as a single
    extrude or hole feature.

    How do I do it?
    I've tried picking the face and alternatively the edges of the U profile,
    but to no avail.

    John H
    John H, Jun 7, 2006
  2. Works fine here.
    Pick (1) hole(not both), specify "cut extrude" or "hole" then hit the
    recognize button, not the "X"
    Pick the other hole "do same"
    Pick the "U"face of the U channel, specify "boss extrude" hit "recognize"
    When complete you should then be asked to "map the features"

    You work in reverse from building a part, recognize fillets first, then
    bosses, cuts etc. As the part is recognized the features are taken away from
    the working part. I usually set it up to map a new part versus overwriting
    the imported part.
    The biggest problem I have is hitting the Close button instead of

    Michael Eckstein, Jun 7, 2006
  3. I forgot to mention, after picking (1) hole(one hole only) you can pick
    "recognize similar" and Featureworks will probably catch the othe hole. A
    hole can usually be picked up by one of, cut, cut revolve or hole. Remember
    hit the "recognize" button.

    Michael Eckstein, Jun 7, 2006
  4. John H

    John H Guest

    That was the but that the Help files didn't mention - at least, I didn't see

    John H, Jun 7, 2006
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