FeatureManager tree: Features vs. Dependencies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mickey Reilley, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. Maybe this is a bug, maybe I'm doing something wrong. When I've got a large
    assembly open I can't reliably switch between "By Features" and "By
    Dependencies" using View, FeatureManager Tree. I've assign hotkeys to these
    two, but the only way it reliably works is by right clicking on the top
    level assembly and selecting. Can someone either verify this or tell me
    what I'm doing wrong?

    SWX 2003 SP 4
    Mickey Reilley, Apr 9, 2004
  2. Here's what I wrote on 4/6/04.

    From: Wayne Tiffany ()
    Subject: Re: View Features & View Dependencies

    View this article only
    Newsgroups: comp.cad.solidworks
    Date: 2004-04-06 13:07:11 PST

    Here, we have set 2 hotkeys - CTRL-D for dependencies & CTRL-F for features.

    Interestingly, SW2004 thinks CTRL-F is already assigned (SPR# 197412) and
    won't let you use it. However, since you can display the mates in the tree
    along with the features, I have not found a need to switch the display back
    & forth.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 9, 2004
  3. I think my brain didn't register that you are on 2003 - sorry. The main
    thing I remember is that you have to select one of the items in the tree
    before the hotkey will act on it. So, try it by clicking on one of the
    parts in the tree first and see if that settles it down.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 9, 2004
  4. Thanks. Clicking on an item in the FeatureManager makes it work each time.
    It's strange that for small assemblies it always works, but for large
    assemblies I have to click something in the tree. Anyway, I'm satisfied.
    Mickey Reilley, Apr 9, 2004
  5. Mickey Reilley

    VP Guest

    I discovered that the shortcut distinquishes between FMTrees (because
    you can split the FMTree) and it works on "upper" or "lower" only,
    depending for what you defined it.
    VP, Apr 9, 2004
  6. Mike J. Wilson, Apr 12, 2004
  7. We do own 2004 and I used it for at least one major design project (to test
    it out). Unfortunately, it has too many bugs that prevent me from rolling
    it out into the department. 2003 does everything I need it to, is stable,
    and doesn't have any bugs that kill me. Furthering things, my maintenance
    was due a couple of months back and I did not renew, so those bugs that 2004
    has won't ever go away for me.
    Mickey Reilley, Apr 12, 2004
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